If you’d told me just a few weeks ago that Trump Derangement Syndrome had reached the point that prominent American politicians and news media people would be openly rooting for a major pandemic... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen On the Monday show, Frank and Tracy Beanz talk about the chaos and panic encompassing the country right now and share their feelings about what is going on. Please be careful not ... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen Today’s show is a mix of a ton of different topics. We hit on the hysteria surrounding Coronavirus, Beanz’ new break in the SpyGate case, and explore what exactly was going on wit... Read More.
Dr. Karlyn Borysenko rocked the political world with a column about why she left the Democrat party. In this hour-long interview, she shares additional insights on what's happening with the political L... Read More.
Recently released information under a decision in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has shed new light into the interviews of dozens of figures questioned in the Mueller Special Counsel investigatio... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen Today, Frank and Tracy Beanz hit on a little of everything. From the Wuhan Virus (or the Coronavirus…..or Covid-19……or whatever), to Super Tuesday #2, to some lighthearted informa... Read More.
Op-Ed by Dr. Karlyn Borysenko Dear Democrats, Even though we've had a bit of a nasty breakup, I still care about you and want you to be happy. So, let's talk. It would be best if you started wrapping y... Read More.
Op-Ed by Carol King, UK Correspondent President Trump is constantly under fire for his tough stance towards China, and hassled that getting tough on China will damage the U.S. economy, however in actua... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen Today on Dark To Light, Frank and Tracy Beanz are excited to be joined by Svetlana Lokhova, who takes the time to share her story with us. How did she meet General Flynn an... Read More.
Op-Ed by Brian Cates I’ve watched in a kind of awful fascination over the past few weeks as all the pieces moved into place, hardly daring to believe what I was seeing. But the recent events of Super T... Read More.
And we’re off! We have a jam-packed show today! We talk markets, we talk Corona-virus, we talk Donna Brazile and so much more. Frank and Beanz take a more deep dive into the Tuesday results and also ta... Read More.
At CPAC 2020, Gayle Trotter interviewed Tracy Beanz, investigative journalist and editor-in-chief of UncoverDC.com. She gives details about the deep state’s investigation of General Flynn and why they ... Read More.