
Tracy Beanz and Liz Callaway Discuss Michael Flynn
Listen Here for Tracy on Wednesdays with Liz Callaway for 9/2/2020 Uncover DC's Tracy Beanz brings us up-to-date on the constitutional travesty happening to Trump's former National Security Advisor, Ge... Read More.
Is the Democrat Party Filled With Covid-19 Hypocrites?
One outcome stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic is the “Do as I say” Democrats repeatedly being caught violating the very precautionary policies they made and advocated for. The hypocrisy is alarming, ... Read More.
Eye on Politics: The Hoax Polls Tighten
As was predictable, the polling from Hoax Poll organizations has shown considerable tightening, with Donald Trump going up comfortably in Georgia (as he should be) and taking the lead in North Carolina... Read More.
Dark To Light: Influence Operations Abound
Click on Arrow to Listen We have a super jam-packed show today! We start off with influence operations- how do they work? Are you a victim of one? Are they ongoing now, and if they are, how? We break t... Read More.
When the Legacy Media Relies on Independent Reporters, the News Isn’t Fake
UK Correspondent One bright spot that came out of the mayhem and violence that has been occurring in Kenosha, Wisconsin last week is that we discovered when independent reporters dominate raw news coll... Read More.
A Catholic Vote for Trump – Interview with co-author John McCullough
The Catholic church is the largest denomination in the United States. Catholics comprise 23% of the US population, and according to today's guest, they found their home in the Democrat party for decade... Read More.
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The General Flynn Decision
A Live From WSMN 1590AM/95.3 FM  http://rightamericamedia broadcast... Read More.
History Doesn’t Always Repeat Itself, but the Darkest Parts Often Do: Mass Executions and Imprisonment – Part V
Editors Note: This is the fifth in a multipart series by guest contributor Robert Patrick Lewis One of the most infamous aspects of communist regimes is the gulag, that dark, remote prison located in S... Read More.
Joe Biden: From Convention to Debates?
Probably the biggest surprise to anyone watching Joe Biden over the past two months—including his political backers—was that he managed to limp through a speech without a major gaffe. Oh, it was uninsp... Read More.
Andrew Weissmann Wants Kevin Clinesmith to “Stop Snitchin”
  "Mr. Weissmann, when did you stop violating the civil rights of members of the Trump campaign?" That might be the first question Attorney General Barr could ask Andrew Weissmann if given the cha... Read More.
Dark To Light: SURPRISE! The Left Is Still Rioting
Click Arrow to Listen The Monday show starts off with a retelling of the amazing Surprise that befell Beanz this weekend, but we quickly get down to business talking about the unrest on American street... Read More.
The Steele Dossier Was “Plan B”
Opinion Editorial When the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz released his bombshell report last December, it explained in exhaustive detail how former FBI Director James Comey... Read More.
CDC Releases New Data; 6% of Total Deaths are from Coronavirus Only
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their website last week and disclosed out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC database, just six percent (6%), about 9,700 deaths, were attribu... Read More.
EYE ON POLITICS: 2020 Republican and Democrat Conventions
  With both the Democrat and Republican National Conventions coming to a close, the most shocking observation from the two was the contrast in appearance. That is, the Democrats—who had at their b... Read More.
History Doesn’t Always Repeat Itself, but the Darkest Parts Often Do – Part IV
Editors Note: This is the fourth in a multipart series by guest contributor Robert Patrick Lewis.  Control the Media Since Lenin was the first tyrant to bring murderous Marxism to the greater world thr... Read More.

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