Click Arrow to Listen You can also download a PHONE APP to listen without interruption: Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Google Play, the iHe... Read More.
Geneva, New York, situated at the head of one of New York State’s Finger Lakes, is like many towns and cities in the region that might be described as Mayberry-esque. Geneva’s wholesome friendliness to... Read More.
On Sunday, Seth Keshel released a new analysis of five Pennsylvania counties that he says alone hold "92,000 extra Biden votes... enough to flip the state!" Keshel is a former Army captain who speciali... Read More.
This week, the Biden administration announced additional actions "to help kids go back to school safely." The "Fact Sheet," released Aug. 5th by the White House, outlines the president's plan, which re... Read More.
Before COVID-19, Big Pharma's reputation was suffering due to public outrage over mounting drug prices. Vaccine and anti-viral research went largely neglected by pharma companies because large-scale, o... Read More.
While proponents see a proper role for government and private businesses to enforce the implementation of vaccine passports, others have concerns. This implementation carries the assumption that busine... Read More.
The request for forensic materials has started a battle of authority between the Intergovernmental Operations Committee (IOC), the Counties, and the Pennsylvania Department of State (DOS). In early Jul... Read More.
In early June, UncoverDC reported on a group of twenty-seven scientists, clinicians, and patient advocates, who submitted a formal "Citizen Petition" with the United States Food and Drug Administration... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen You can also download a PHONE APP to listen without interruption: Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Google Play, the iHe... Read More.
Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of the popular German newspaper Bild—with a current circulation of about 1.37 million copies daily—has made a public apology for fearmongering society for the past ... Read More.
Arizona Senator Sonny Borelli today requested an investigation of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) for their failure to comply with Senate subpoenas. Borelli is the Senate Majority Whip. He ha... Read More.
In North Carolina, doctors and nurses—who have heroically carried hospitals through the pandemic for well over a year without receiving the EUA COVID-19 "vaccine"—are being told they must now get the s... Read More.
Governor Cuomo has been charged with sexually harassing multiple women, fostering "a toxic workplace that enabled harassment and created a hostile work environment where staffers did not feel comfortab... Read More.
More electronic voting machines in the United States are managed by Election Systems & Software (ES&S) than any other vendor. An in-depth review of the specifications and functions of one of th... Read More.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann continues to be met with resistance to the subpoenas requesting critical missing information for the Maricopa County forensic audit. Fann set August 2 as the deadlin... Read More.