News from Around the Web for June 27, 2024

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 06/27/2024

News From Around the Web

#10 Bolivia Coup Attempt Fails After Military Assault on Presidential Palace -  Daniel Ramos for Reuters, and Collin Rugg, and Megatron on X
Bolivian armed forces pulled back from the presidential palace in La Paz on Wednesday evening, and a general was arrested after President Luis Arce slammed a "coup" attempt against the government and called for international support. Earlier in the day, military units led by General Juan Jose Zuniga, recently stripped of his military command, had gathered in the central Plaza Murillo square, home to the presidential palace and Congress. A Reuters witness saw an armored vehicle ram a door of the presidential palace and soldiers rush in...

#9 Argentina Logs First Week With No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years - Christian K. Caruzo for Breitbart, and Milei Explains on X

For the first time in 30 years, Argentina experienced a zero-percent increase in the inflation rates of food and drinks during the third week of June, President Javier Milei confirmed on Monday morning. A study published on Sunday by Econométrica, a private Argentine consulting firm, first reported the no-inflation week. In its study, Econométrica analyzed 8,000 prices in local online supermarkets and found no change when compared to the preceding week — something that has not happened in Argentina in three decades. In addition to the lack of variation in prices in one week, the study found that the prices of food and drinks only experienced an increase of 0.1 percent in the past 15 days...


#8 Supreme Court Wipes Out Anti-corruption Law That Bars Officials From Taking Gifts for Past Favors - David G. Savage for The Los Angeles Times, and Steve Gruber on X

The Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down part of a federal anti-corruption law that makes it a crime for state and local officials to take gifts valued at more than $5,000 from a donor who had previously been awarded lucrative contracts or other government benefits thanks to the efforts of the official. By a 6-3 vote, the justices overturned the conviction of a former Indiana mayor who asked for and took a $13,000 payment from the owners of a local truck dealership after he helped them win $1.1 million in city contracts for the purchase of garbage trucks. In ruling for the former mayor, the justices drew a distinction between bribery, which requires proof of an illegal deal, and a gratuity that can be a gift or a reward for a past favor. They said the officials may be charged and prosecuted for bribery, but not for taking money for past favors if there was no proof of an illicit deal...


#7 House Votes to Prohibit DHS Money From Funding Mayorkas Salary - Mychael Schnell for The Hill, and Karli Bonne', and Rep Andy Biggs on X

House Republicans on Wednesday approved a measure that would prohibit money for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from funding the salary of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the latest example of GOP lawmakers targeting the embattled Cabinet head. The House cleared an amendment — led by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) — to the DHS appropriations bill for fiscal 2025 that would prevent funding allocated in the legislation from being used to pay Mayorkas’s salary...


#6 Judiciary Report: "The Intelligence Community 51" Misled American Voters - Wendi Strauch Mahoney for UncoverDC, and EMPIntelligenceNet on X
According to a second interim report from the House Judiciary, CIA contractors colluded with the Biden campaign to mislead American voters before the 2020 election. Members of the Judiciary Committee now have more emails and sworn testimony to support the claim that the October 19, 2020, public statement from 51 former intelligence officials was a "blatant political operation from the start." The statement was a written response to an October 14, 2020, explosive article published by the New York Post concerning "secret emails" found on Hunter Biden's laptop...

#5 Murthy v. Missouri: SCOTUS Decision Analysis - Tracy Beanz for UncoverDC, and Casey Norman, and Sgt Reuster on X
I want to make sure this is clear from the get-go—this is a terrible opinion. I am not happy about it. HOWEVER, this opinion had to do with the TEMPORARY INJUNCTION in this case. For details, please see my pinned tweet on X. The court is making a decision whether, at this stage of the game, after limited (will get to that in a moment) discovery, the Plaintiffs have the right to an injunction that would halt the government from coercing and cooperating with social media platforms to censor speech.

#4 Greed and The Destruction of Our Immune System - Tracy Beanz and Michelle Edwards for The HighWire
The health of all Americans is at a pivotal crossroads. Do we listen to our government as it pushes experimental gene-damaging “vaccines,” lucrative Big Pharma drugs, and contaminated, artificial, and ultra-processed foods into our bodies, or do we take matters into our own hands and realize the power a healthy body holds across all aspects of our lives? As COVID-19 ravaged the people of our great nation, it’s hard not to notice that one critical body system is influenced by our physical health—our remarkable immune system. Following the damage done by the deadly COVID jabs, it’s past time to take control of our health, understand and nurture our immune system, and make informed decisions that will protect us in times of crisis. Contaminated drugs and gene-damaging shots are not the answer.

#3 So What Exactly Was LA’s ‘Ethics and Integrity’ Chief Doing as She Illegally Downloaded 1,600 Police Records? Monica Showalter for American Thinker, and Texas Trump 2024, and Los Angeles Police Protective League on X

In the world of Soros district attorneys in big blue cities, it's amazing what passes for 'ethics and integrity' in policing the police. Fox News's Bill Melugin has gotten hold of the actual arrest affidavit of Diana Teran, the top deputy to District Attorney George Gascon, who was busted last April for illegally accessing and downloading 11 police records, each act a felony, for her own purposes.


#2 Red States Notify Biden Admin of Lawsuit Over ‘Nonsensical’ EV Rule - Brianna Herlihy for Fox News, and Attorney General Russell Coleman, and The Epoch Times on X

A group of 26 Republican attorneys general have notified the Biden administration they will challenge the latest fuel emissions restrictions, calling a new federal rule "the latest attempt to drive gas-powered cars off the road."  Attorneys General Russell Coleman of Kentucky and Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia on Wednesday filed a notice in the 6th Circuit that they will file suit against the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's rule titled "Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks for Model Years 2027 and Beyond and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Heavy-Duty Pickup Trucks and Vans for Model Years 2030 and Beyond." 


#1 US Army Revises Standards On Prohibited Extremist Activity - Tyler Durden ZeroHedge, and Anna and The Stripes on X

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth signed off on a pair of memos, published on June 26, that refine how the service will handle protests and extremist or gang activity within the ranks, and report suspected prohibited behavior. One memo a directive for “Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities“ and the other is a directive for ”Reporting Prohibited Activities.” The memo on Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities states that prohibited activity within the Army can include distributing extremist materials online. This new Army memo reinforces a policy approach articulated by the U.S. Department of Defense in a November 2021 memo, which states that “an action taken to replicate content from one online location to another” can qualify as distributing extremist content online. The new Army memo now states the prohibited online distribution of extremist activity can include liking, sharing, and “re-tweeting” said content.


And Now for Something Special smiley

How to Make Raw Milk Cheese at Home, According to an Expert Farmer - Ryan Cashman for Bright - The Epoch Times
Beth Dougherty likes to joke that she started making cheese about five minutes after she and her husband, Shawn, started getting milk from their first Jersey heifer in 2001. With 5 gallons a day coming into their kitchen, storage space was at a premium. “By day three, there was no room in the refrigerator,” Mrs. Dougherty said. Having grown up around conventional agriculture, Mrs. Dougherty was no stranger to the abundance of dairy production. However, she and her husband were far from conventional farmers...


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