News from Around the Web for Apr 18, 2024

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 04/18/2024

News From Around the Web

#10 Supreme Court Makes It Easier to Sue for Job Discrimination Over Forced Transfers - Mark Sherman for AP News and Epoch Times on X
The Supreme Court on Wednesday made it easier for workers who are transferred from one job to another against their will to pursue job discrimination claims under federal civil rights law, even when they are not demoted or docked pay. Workers only have to show that the transfer resulted in some, but not necessarily significant, harm to prove their claims, Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court. The justices unanimously revived a sex discrimination lawsuit filed by a St. Louis police sergeant after she was forcibly transferred but retained her rank and pay. Sgt. Jaytonya Muldrow had worked for nine years in a plainclothes position in the department’s intelligence division before a new commander reassigned her to a uniformed position in which she supervised patrol officers. The new commander wanted a male officer in the intelligence job and sometimes called Muldrow “Mrs.” instead of “sergeant,” Kagan wrote...

#9 9 Arrests Made in $14.8 Million Gold Heist at Toronto Airport, Only Fraction Recovered - Nadine El-Bawab and Aleem Agha for ABC News and Alex Pierson on X

Nine people have been arrested, and search warrants are out for three others in last year's $14.77 million (20 million Canadian dollars) gold heist from the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canadian officials announced Wednesday. Police have only recovered six pure gold bracelets worth over $65,000 -- a fraction of the gold that was stolen from a holding cargo facility last April. Authorities announced the arrests on the one-year anniversary of the heist. Police say 6,600 bars of pure gold weighing over 400 kilograms and foreign cash amounting to around $1.8 million were stolen in the heist. They believe that the thieves melted down the gold, sold it and then used the profits to purchase illegal firearms as part of a trafficking operation, Peel Regional Police Detective Sgt. Mike Mavity said at a press conference Wednesday...


#8 NPR Whistleblower Uri Berliner Resigns: ‘I Cannot Work in a Newsroom Where I Am Disparaged’ - Brian Flood for Fox News and Uri Berliner, Byron York, Collin Rugg, Christina Pushaw on X

Longtime NPR editor Uri Berliner, who was suspended after blowing the whistle on liberal bias at the organization, announced Wednesday he has resigned.  "I am resigning from NPR, a great American institution where I have worked for 25 years. I don’t support calls to defund NPR. I respect the integrity of my colleagues and wish for NPR to thrive and do important journalism. But I cannot work in a newsroom where I am disparaged by a new CEO whose divisive views confirm the very problems at NPR I cited in my Free Press essay," Berliner wrote in a statement published on X. Berliner was referring to Katherine Maher, who took over last month as President and CEO and has gone viral for past social media posts showing far-left personal views...


#7 Idaho Democrats Flood Races With Candidates in Every District for the First Time in 30 Years - Ross O'Keefe for Washington Examiner and Amanda Litman on X

In an attempt to drain Republican coffers and force incumbent lawmakers to compete in races, Democrats have placed challengers in every Idaho district for the first time in three decades. The Republican-dominated state, which has only 18 Democrats in its 105-seat legislature across two chambers, has faced renewed vigor from the opposition party because of infighting between strict and centrist Republicans, along with the Idaho Republican Party’s fixation on cultural matters, such as a strict abortion ban...


#6 Federal Judge Clears Facebook's Zuckerberg Of Personal Liability In 25 'Social Media Addiction' Cases - Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge and Epoch Times on X
A federal judge has ruled Meta Platforms, Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg will not face personal liability in 25 legal complaints alleging his social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, have harmed children. Meta is facing dozens of separate legal complaints alleging the company failed to sufficiently warn adolescent users about the potentially addictive nature of their social media platforms. Those various complaints were consolidated into a multi-district litigation (MDL) currently being handled by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Twenty-five of the complaints sought to hold Mr. Zuckerberg personally liable for the harm allegedly caused by his social media platforms, but U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers issued a ruling on Monday granting his motion to dismiss the cases...

#5 The Truth About Raw Milk the Government Doesn’t Want You to Know: ‘Close to a Perfect Food' - Chris Enloe for Blaze Media

Lisa Bass is a raw milk evangelist. "When you look at all of the data, and you look at what is a health-supporting decision to make, I think raw milk comes out on top," Bass told Blaze News. Bass, a mother of eight who is known for her popular YouTube channel "Farmhouse on Boone" and blog about homemaking, is part of a growing movement of free thinkers eschewing processed milk and embracing the benefits of raw dairy. "I think we are created by God, and there is a way everything was designed," Bass said. "And if you take certain aspects of the food away, of course, there's going to be other ramifications and other ways it wouldn't be as healthful. It's close to a perfect food. It's whole and good." Unfortunately, the potential benefits of raw dairy are a secret to most Americans. That’s because the federal government and dairy lobbyists warn that raw milk is inherently dangerous, and they claim that consuming raw milk and raw dairy products can lead to severe illness — or even death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in fact, describes raw milk as “one of the riskiest foods." But is that true?

#6 China Covertly Lobbying Congress on TikTok - Alana Mastrangelo for Breitbart and Doreen Shelton on X
The Chinese Embassy has been holding meetings with congressional employees to lobby against the legislation that would force a sale of TikTok or else ban the Chinese app in the United States, two Capitol Hill staffers familiar with China’s lobbying efforts told Politico. Chinese diplomats reportedly met with Capitol Hill offices to lobby on behalf of TikTok after the legislation was overwhelmingly passed in March by the U.S. House of Representatives, making its way over to the Senate for review...

#5 Biden’s Education Secretary Vows to Shut Down the Largest Christian University in the US - Joshua Q. Nelson for Fox News and Riverrat and Wendy Patterson on X

After Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona vowed to shut down Grand Canyon University (GCU), the largest Christian university in the U.S., GCU officials are pushing back, telling Fox News Digital the crackdown stems from "deeply held bias." Cardona made comments during a House Appropriations Committee hearing about cracking down on GCU and other universities like it on April 10. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., asked Cardona how the administration is working to shut down GCU, which she called "a predatory for-profit school." 


#4 Johnson’s Ukraine Aid Package Allows Biden to Forgive 50% of “Loans” on November 15 and 100% of “Loans” to Ukraine Later On - Jordan Conradson  for The Gateway Pundit and Tom Williams on X

In the last month, Republicans under Speaker Mike Johnson’s leadership have given up a $1.2 trillion spending bill with more support from Democrats than Republicans, reauthorization for warrantless searches of Americans under FISA Section 702, and now this. The Gateway Pundit reported on Wednesday that Joe Biden, the Democrats, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and the RINOs are colluding on an aid package for Ukraine, which may upset plans by some Republican lawmakers to remove Johnson from the Speaker’s chair. On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit reported that Johnson was negotiating with the Biden regime to introduce a substantial funding package for foreign conflicts and whip up opposition from the Democrats to a Motion to Vacate against him...


#3 Top WHO Official Admits Failed mRNA Jabs Were a Ruse for Vaccine Passports - Tracy Beanz and Michelle Edwards for The HighWire and Russell Brand on X

The World Health Organization (WHO) knew the COVID-19 vaccines did not stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2, yet they pushed for vaccine passports anyway. Why did they do this? According to a senior member of the shady organization, Dr. Hanna Nohynek, chair of the WHO’s Strategic Group of Experts on Immunization, the NGO did so to promote its global vaccination agenda. Sounds about right. In a trial currently underway in Helsinki, Dr. Nohynek disclosed that the WHO disregarded her advice against vaccine passports in the summer of 2021. Instead, they persisted, asserting that the gene-altering mRNA COVID jabs were crucial in pandemic control. The aftermath of this decision, with millions experiencing severe vaccine adverse events and deaths, emphasizes the gravity of the situation. The fact that the WHO dismissed Dr. Nohynek’s crucial input, despite her esteemed status in the global medical community and significant roles on vaccine advisory boards, is deeply troubling. Her extensive biography at the WHO underscores her credibility, stating in part...


#2 Election 2024: How to Win Elections With Open Borders - Wendy S. Mahoney for UncoverDC
Many American taxpayers do not realize that a good share of their taxpayer dollars supports an open borders policy because of refugee resettlement nonprofits like (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) HIAS. HIAS uses taxpayer dollars to counsel, support, and resettle illegal aliens. Almost 50 percent of HIAS funding comes directly from the U.S. government (taxpayers) in the form of grants. Since 2018, contributions to HIAS, including U.S. government funding, have ballooned from $46.5 million in 2018 to almost $146 million in 2022. However, contributions jumped noticeably in 2021 when Biden took office from nearly $67 million to about $110 million...

#1 Calif. Lawmakers Say Buying 16, 17-Year-Olds for Sex Isn’t a Felony - Daniel Gligch for The Sun and Gov. Mike Huckabee

California Democrats decided on Tuesday that purchasing a 16 or 17-year-old for sex is not a felony.  Democrats in the Senate Public Safety Committee forced amendments on the bill that the author, Sen. Shannon Grove (R–Bakersfield), objected to. Those amendments denied her efforts to protect 16 and 17-year-old children from being purchased as part of commercial sex trafficking. The backstory: Current California law makes it a misdemeanor for anyone who purchases or solicits a minor for sex, which carries a jail sentence of two days to one year and a maximum fine of $10,000....


And Now for Something Special smiley

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Star Mariska Hargitay Mistaken for Real-Life Cop by Lost Child - Jack Hobbs for The New York Post and Croxxed Out on X

She’s a hero on and off screen. Mariska Hargitay would have made her “Law & Order: SVU” character, Olivia Benson, proud last week when she helped a child find their parent after they assumed the actress was an on-duty police officer. According to witnesses at the Anne Loftus Playground in Fort Tryon Park, the little girl became separated from her mother and ran up to Hargitay, 60, when she saw the police badge on her belt. Witnesses told People that the little girl was completely oblivious to the film crew and “SVU” vet Ice-T. The Post reached out to Hargitay’s reps for comment. After enlisting the help of the beloved actress, production on the final episodes of the show’s historic 25th season was halted for about 20 minutes as she helped the child locate her mother...

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