The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow May 3, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow —
Commentary by Larry Schweikart


1) Rasmussen polling reports that “a majority of U.S. voters think it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of some races” in the 2022 midterms. Yeah, but we still have to deal with the 2020 cheat.

2) The DemoKKKrat elites are very concerned about a “conspiratorial” RFK, Jr.

3) Falling short of recruits, the U.S. Navy used a drag queen influencer to attract a “wide range” of new troops. Yeah, I’m sure those are about as useful on a naval vessel as Lizzo is on Atkins.

4) Utter demonic lunacy continues in Kollyfornia where a panel concluded that Kollyfornia, then a free state, owed black residents $1.2 million each in reparations.

-Be aware: This will be a tiny fraction JUST of what the legal/judicial costs of this program will be. Think 10x.

5) A common-sense judge denied the City of Phoenix more time to clean up its homeless zone. Good. Send them to the mayor/city commissioners’ houses.

6) Rutabaga’s admin still has not vetted 88,000 Afghan refugees after two years. Psst: they don’t WANT to vet them.

7) Arizona elections officials continue to try to use sanctions against Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, and Mark Finchem for challenging the legality and transparency of the fraudulent AZ elections.

8) Tennessee’s top ed official, Penny Schwinn, resigned over “extraneous politics.”

-Sorry, toots. ALL things are political now, thanks to the left. You cannot just “educate” because science has been politicized by saying vaxxes cause no harm and kiddos should be mutilated.

9) Now, THIS is applied math/trade school math: A New Kabul teacher offers a math class in personal finance that has students volunteering to audit!

10) The gubment wants to move Gen. Mike Flynn’s case to D.C. so it can control the jury.

11) The Supes have intervened again in a state gun ban.

12) I put this in only because I wrote the book on the Ohio class subs: Why the Trident subs are so badass.



13) The untold story of the Bud Light fiasco. “It’s about the bond” between the consumer and the brand.

-Yes, it is. But it’s also about the fact that this is a DUDE, dude. People are sick of denying real science and real reality.

14) Now this: Bud Light is now in “serious trouble” of losing its status as the top-selling beer in ‘Merica.

15) Now, Anheuser-Busch has employed ex-GOP aides for damage control. Hope they got good ones like Chris (Jersey Shore) Christie or Nick Knack Haley, who wants to move Disney to SC.

16) Ford has posted a $1.7 billion first-quarter profit largely on gas vehicles.

17) U.S. Factory orders fall.

18) Now, Nordstrom will shutter both Groomer City downtown stores due to “difficult conditions” (i.e., homeless spoogeballs, criminal feral snottossers, and ridiculous taxes from all the “nice people.”).

-Actually, I think women have looked at this shopping experience the wrong way: dodging the homeless, avoiding projectile vomiting, and fighting off carjackers would be the latest fitness craze.

19) Rutabaga’s admin has rolled out the “Punish Responsibility” equity program whereby if you actually pay your bills, you get a LOWER credit score.

20) Increasingly, in academia—including philosophy—one cannot ask, “What is a woman.” Cuz, you know, the right answer is the wrong answer for them.

21) Are polls really measuring public opinion?

-Even Richard Baris, America’s best pollster, blew many of the races in 2022. We have part fraud, part “hiding” samples. But most major pollsters just lie.

22) I knew this was coming. I’m surprised it took this long: More and more Americans do not want electric cars.

23) IBM to fire 8,000.

24) Job openings hit the lowest level in 2 years as the Fed looks to raise rates.

25) Another major bidness, Guggenheim Partners, is leaving Benghazi-by-the-Lake for Florida.



26) Africa has become the fastest-growing region, outpacing Asia.

-Not sure that’s a good thing, given Africa’s track record of politics and bloodshed.

27) Pawn shops and bread queues as poverty grips Ukraine.

28) More phony images/stories from Hoax News about Ukraine.

29) A study of transoids in England concluded the “risk/benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable.”

30) Again, the evidence is all around us: transoidism is THE issue of our time. It encapsulates everything else. And this is obvious here, where Rutabaga’s state department is funding transoids in NEPAL with a $2,315 grant to become makeup entrepreneurs.



31) The great Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot is dead at 84.

-His “If You Could Read My Mind” was one of the finest lyrics ever written.

For Mr. Lightfoot, it’s “Sundown.”

32) Really good news! We’re saved: Hollywood writers have gone on strike, bringing the manure pile on television to a halt.

33) Was the Tuckster fired because he called a woman “yummy?”

-OMG. Guilty.

34) Kevin Costner’s second wife, Christine, has filed for divorce after 18 years and three children.



35) This is so typical. Nearly a year after most Americans said “eff you” to the China Virus and quit with the restrictions, the feds say, “Oh yeah, us too!”

36) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched an investigation into the Gain-of-Function Research & misrepresentations by the vax manufacturers.

-And here we go . . . .

37) Niiiiiice. Pfizer’s China Virus vax sales crash.

38) Vax efficacy studies were deeply tainted by treating anyone who had a vax but still showed up with the China Virus as “unvaxxed.”



39) And I don’t ever comment on the Brit Royal Family because WHO CARES? But . . . nearly half the King’s realms are now “republican,” and 6 of 14 nations, including Canada and Australia, would vote to remove Chuck as their head of state.

-The Chuckster don’t know how lucky he has it. In the past, they would have just removed his head.



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  • Larry Schweikart
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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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