The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow March 10, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow



1) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) said the Patriot Day narrative will continue to change as more security footage emerges. “West terrace door was opened from the inside.”

2) The top Dem on the Patriot Day (J6) Committee said that they didn’t actually review any of the videos. Let that sink in.

3) The Tuckster told Glenn Beck that the Patriot Day (J6) committee didn’t just distort facts but fabricated falsehoods.

-Shocked! They wouldn’t do that, would they?

4) Patriot Day (J6) defendants have the FascistBI now on record lying. FascistBI trying to use the “It’s Classified!” protection.

5) Meanwhile, in DeKalb County Jail, a riot broke out as domestic terrorists protesting the arrest of domestic terrorists who attacked a police training center, set fires, and broke windows.

-But compared to Patriot Day (J6), this was “mostly peaceful.”

6) As we expected, a former FBI agent in Portland during the fascist so-called Antifa riots said “legal observers” worked with the rioters.

7) In Kollyfornia, the Bar Association is going after lawyers for their tweets.

-Evil, scum-puddle of a state needs to blow away like dry scat.

8) The Rutabaga’s catch-and-release program was struck down by the courts.

9) McCarthy told Green Screen to shove it. He ain’t visiting the lovely paradise of Ukraine.

10) Many American elites, including previously unidentified politicians and industrialists (such as Alfred Sloan and Prescott Bush), supported the Nazis.

11) Lawyers: Dr. Fallacy’s testimony “not credible” because evidence contradicts him.

-Yeah, sure. Next, you’ll tell me Rutabaga is a demented moron kiddie-sniffer.

12) Yertle fell and is currently in the hospital.

-Isn’t it great to have such vibrant leaders as FinkStink, who can’t remember her birthday, Fetterman Massacre, the Human Ox who some claim is “brain dead” (but no one knows for sure), the Rutabaga, now Yertle.

13) Flopping Aces says, “The fuse has been lit.” I agree. Not just with the Patriot Day (J6) lies, with the ongoing absolute exposure of Pfizer’s lies, the Wuhan leak lies, and everything the demonic scuttleburger, fecally-infested Swamp says.

14) Police say a pastor sold his church for $600,000 to pay for drugs.

-This seems like a really biased account. I mean, he, as Jesus admonished, sold what he had to give to the poor drug dealers. A holy man, right?

15) The DC Police Chief—who was not talking about the Patriot Day (J6) prisoners—said, “we need to keep violent people in jail.” Radical premise there, chief.

16) A Texas lawmaker has proposed age restrictions on porn. What, like only those 16 and under, are allowed?

17) Here is a list of Politico’s banned words and phrases.

-It won’t be long before these fungaltunnels are banning “a” and “the.”



18) Joel Kotkin on the decline of America’s big cities (“the ghost of Ancient Rome”).

19) Jobless claims rise as layoffs soar.

20) Rutabaga wants to raise corporate taxes, already some of the highest in the world, to 28%, in a move sure to burden small business.

-That’s ok. He doesn’t like small businesses either.

21) Americans racked up $180 billion in new credit card debt in 2022.

-I sure did my part!!

22) Turmoil at Silicon Valley Bank as it triggered a market panic with four of the biggest US banks losing $52 billion in valuation—Dow dropped 540 points.

-Guess my 401k is worth, what, fitty cents now?



23) Iran docks warships in Brazil and plans to put warships in the Panama Canal by the end of the year.

-And Rutabaga will let them do it, cuz, you know, they ain’t Russkies.

24) An attempted airport heist of $32 million in Chile left 2 people dead. Probably should have called Brad Pitt or Jason Statham.

25) I’m sure this is wrong. The Guardian reports a church shooting . . . in Hamburg, Germany.

-I know this is wrong because they have strict gun control in Germany. Except when the Nazis are running things.

26) Meanwhile, to take everyone’s mind off the shooting, Berlin will let everyone go topless at public swimming pools. Yuck.

27) South Korea’s economy ain’t doin’ well as its rental market has imploded with population decline.

28) Like Germany, the UK is having to resort to coal as green energy flops.



29) Poor ol’ Green Screen Zelensky lost his bid for the Best Actor role as the Oscars rejected his bid to appear on the telecast.

-Green Screen, ya went Full Tyrant. Ya, never go Full Tyrant.

30) Speaking of the useless FAG (Film Actors Guild) and other actor’s guilds, the Academy is examining ditching “gendered” categories such as best actor.

-Well, to be fair, you haven’t had a real “best actor” since the days of Paul Newman and Gregory Peck.

31) Is Disney facing a huge shakeup? Bob Iger vows to spend less on movies and TV and calls for fewer Marvel sequels.

-Well, Bobbie, you guys destroyed Marvel and Star Wars in a 10-year period. Try actually writing good stories without groveling to diversity.

32) Inevitable. Coloncancer Kaepernick has accused his white adoptive parents of racism.

-Remember, this guy hasn’t thrown a football since Millard Fillmore was in office, but still thinks he’s relevant.

33) Former NBA all-star Shawn Kemp is alleged to be one of two shooters in a mall parking lot, was arrested.



34) Pfizer’s trials were fraudulent, according to data released by Die Welt.

-I’m tellin’ ya folks, it’s coming. Drip, drip, drip til the weakest link in the chain breaks, and all these smudgemuffins will be up on fraud charges or sued to the gills.

35) New evidence of fraud by Pfizer.

-Now get the rest of ‘em.

36) Twit mods were ordered to censor true content that “might promote vax hesitancy.”

37) Pfizer was to deliver the vax before the election, then what they delivered was a “total lie.”

38) Huge case against Pfizer, Brook Jackson, before a judge to rule on dismissal. If it goes to discovery, ka-boom.

39) A new Israeli Ministry of Health study shows that the China Virus vax increases your risk of death over time.

40) Meanwhile, Georgia State Law School is putting together a conference on “Restoring Trust in the CDC and FDA.”

-Reportedly, every used car salesman in Georgia is attending.



41) Does sugar cause dementia? Gotta say, no one has eaten more sugar than me, and I’m fine. I just . . . . . that is . . . .

Corn Pop . . . . hairy legs . . . . Ahh, never mind.



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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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