The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow January 9, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) After 15 rounds, Kevin McCarthy won the speakership of the House on points. Seriously, I agree with Clarice Feldman here: this fight not only was not damaging to the GOP, it was “overdue and healthy.”

COMMENT: Here are some realities about the speakership battle. First, no one wanted it. Jim Jordan didn’t want it. The few people, such as Byron Donalds, who allowed their names to be introduced completely lacked the experience and—let’s face it—the necessary level of respect to do the job. Second, notions that Trump would serve were silly. The Speaker’s job is one of herding cats. It’s tedious, and if Botoxic didn’t go around 8 hours a day knocking on doors, her staff sure did. That’s all it is—go to Congressman x and say, “We have this insertion. Will you vote for the bill?” He says “Yes.” Then you go to Congressman y, “X got us to put in this insertion. Will you vote for the bill?” and he says, “No, not with that insertion.” This is why no legislation is ever “clean.” Third, while some changes in attitude and ideology would have been good, you cannot expect to change drivers in a car and have it become an airplane. The fact is that Congress is one-half of the legislature; it cannot do anything other than investigate without the Senate (unlikely), and thus most of its work will be symbolic—putting forth bills that won’t be passed. Finally, there the “rebels” got numerous rules changes which can be good if you don’t like how things are going and terrible if you are trying to advance an agenda against a couple of holdouts. Like anything, rules work for you when you are in the majority, against you when in the minority.

2) Papers and patents are becoming “less disruptive” over time. One obvious reason is that the research industry, funded largely by gubment, doesn’t want any answers it doesn’t want (see: China Virus).

3) Rutabaga plans to visit El Paso, which has cleared out its migrant camps, so he can’t see a crisis.

4) Mayors of New Kabul (NYC) and Benghazi-by-the-Lake (Chicago) are begging Colorado’s governor Polis to stop bussing migrants to their cities. Why? You’re “sanctuary cities?”

-Bus, dammit, bus!

5) Damar Hamlin continues to improve, is off a vent, has no neurological damage, and has tweeted his thanks.

6) This is rich! A New Beirut (Seattle) public school district is suing tech companies such as TikTok and Instagram, seeking to hold them accountable for the mental health crisis among da Youts.

-The social media companies should be suing the schools for their part in destroying Youts’ mental health!

7) Alex Jones’s lawyer had his license suspended after a Sandy Hook records leak. More appropriately, he had his license suspended because he defended his client.

8) South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, apparently looking at a presidential run, blasts Rutabaga in her inauguration speech.

-Sorry, What’s-in-a-Noem, you whiffed twice on transoid issues.

You’re disqualified.

9) Now, understanding this is coming from a DeSantistan, here is a column from the unreliable NRO about Noem calling for a critic of her “kid-friendly” drag show to be fired. While I trust NRO as much as I trust leprosy, I think Noem has a serious vulnerability here.

10) AT&T is ditching operators for its 411 and “O” calls for millions of Americans.

11) Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya! A transoid “male” swimmer who used to be a woman was stunned to find that it can’t compete against biological men after winning All-America honors as a woman. It finished 79th. The article didn’t say if there was a number 80 competing.

12) Kollyfornia is getting drenched but still can’t conserve water because of its lunatic greenweenie-ism.

13) This is one you don’t see every day as a cause of death: an officer in Alaska was gored by a Muskox. He apparently emptied his .40 caliber Glock into the animal.



14) David Blackmon: want a Tesla? Find a way to buy one in China for $37,000.

15) U.S. personal savings has declined 64%.

16) the ISM new orders fell to 45%.

17) Eleven signs that the economic “tipping point” for a depression has arrived.



18) Not counting energy prices, Euro inflation hit a record in December of 7.2%.

19) A two-bus collision in Senegal left 40 people dead and 85 injured.



20) The woke spoogepellets will not be happy until they ruin everything. DC Comics fans are outraged as the new Batman plot has the Joker becoming pregnant and giving birth.

21) The iconic “Black Ghost” Dodge Challenger that an off-duty cop used for illegal Detroit Street Races in the 1970s is up for auction and set to sell for millions.

-Gosh, I wonder what my super-hot “Blue Bolt” Camaro would bring?

22) Jane Fonda (anyone remember her?) said she was “starstruck” when she met NFL GOAT Tom Brady, and “her knees actually got weak when he walked into my trailer.”

-Lady, your knees got weak cuz you’re like 200 years old and have rheumatoid arthritis.



23) Over 270 athletes and former athletes in the U.S. have died from cardiac arrests or other serious issues after taking the vax.

-Course, we know they all were tackled with a headshot to the chest like Damar Hamlin—even basketball players who were never touched.

24) And the latest, Hawaiian mixed martial arts prodigy Victoria Lee has “died suddenly” at 18.

25) And Gregory Yee, breaking news reporter for the LA Times, has . . . died suddenly at age 33.

26) The Israeli Ministry of Health will admit the China Virus vax is more dangerous than they let on.

27) Steve Kirsch reports that safety signals for over 750 different “adverse events” reported to VAERs were ignored by the CDC.

28) Most people who ended up with “long Covid” started with a mild case . . . likely a mild case of the vaxxes.

29) Dr. Peter McCullough: myocarditis now running at 25,000 per million, when pre-China Virus, it was four per million.

-But nooooooo. It’s not the vax.



30) Here are the world’s 15 most isolated homes. All I can say if you want to make a run for the border and quero Taco Bell, you’re in deep doo.



  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE



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