The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 2, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow



1) A new Trafalgar poll has Lee Zeldin, the Republican, up one in the New York governor’s race over Kathy Hochul. Am I about to sing the Monkees’ “I’m a Believer?” Not yet, but one thing is certain: ALL polls of any repute have had him closing very strong, so it’s a possibility.

2) Stunning movement away from DemoKKKrats by white suburban Karens.

3) The Supes have temporarily blocked House DemoKKKrats from obtaining Trump’s tax records.

4) Former DemoKKKrat Tulsi Gabbard endorsed J.D. Vance in Ohio.

5) This is a first in my lifetime: the Libertarian candidate in Arizona, Marc Victor, withdrew and endorsed Blake Masters.

-BOOMSHAKALAKA. This should put Masters over the top.

6) Adam Zimmer, 38, offensive analyst for the Cincinnati Bengals, dead.

-Was he vaxxed?

7) Tudor Dixon has pulled into a tiny lead in the Michigan governor’s race.

8) DemoKKKrat analyst Jon Ralston in NV reports there is “no backlog of mail” waiting to be processed. This is NOT a good scenario for Dems. “No massive Clark mail as in 2020. GOP must be happy.

-Oh, we are Jonny boy. We are.

9) While we’re at it, a Saint Anselm poll has Don Bolduc up one in New Hampshire. That would make 54 R senators. Do I hear Tiffany Smiley for 55?

10) File under “A Little Birdie Told Me,” in CA-26, a district Rutabaga supposedly won by 20, the R Matt Jacobs is only down 1 now in his internal polling. And from Texas, a summary so far of early voting shows that the “Yout” vote is down to 7% of all early voting compared to 13% in 2018. Also, in the five most D-heavy counties, turnout is down 13%. In the five most R-heavy counties, turnout is up 17%.

11) All over the blue map, DemoKKKrats are spending big in last-minute ad buys for districts Rutabaga carried by 20.

12) Precisely what needs to happen. Kentucky’s great AG Daniel Cameron is forcing the heads of the state’s public pension authority and teacher’s retirement system to provide proof that “ESG considerations” are not being implemented in the systems’ investment decisions.

13) Exonerations in the Malcolm X killing, as those wrongfully convicted will receive $36 million.

14) DemKKKrat focus on Patriot Day (January 6), climate hoax, abortion, and Ukraine are doing them in big time.



15) Those pesky mortgage rates have risen to 7.22%. I don’t understand all the “inversion curves,” but I will say, like a prostate exam, they ain’t good.

16) Ford getting serious about “quiet quitting” with a new policy that sees underachievers lose their severance. Good. About time companies demanded employees give an hour’s work for an hour’s pay.

17) The Fed is expected to raise rates again.



18) Japan seeks to stay in Russia’s Sakhalin 1 Energy Project after Exxon left.

19) Things in Brazil are getting spicy. Bolsonaro forces are rejecting the election outcome, truck drivers are blocking streets, and now police militia is joining the protests.

20) In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro has authorized a transition but has not conceded.

21) Greedo Thunderberger, the poster child for entitlements, calls on leftoids to overthrow the whole capitalist system.

22) Jeremy Clarkson, the host of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” says his daughter won’t go to a London shopping center as it is “full of gangs with bats and blades.” Smart girl.

-Given inflation, though, Jeremy, you may need to change the name of the show to “Who Wants to be a Billionaire?”

23) The French government demanded Rumble block Russkie news sources. Instead, Rumble will turn off France.



24) A planet-killer asteroid has been discovered hiding in the sun’s glare. May not hit us, wouldn't happen for 1,000 years.

-My question is, what else—or who else---may be hiding in the sun’s glare?



25) Rapper Takeoff shot dead in Houston.

-But was he vaxxed?

26) Unfortunately, we’re gonna be seeing a lot of this. Julie Powell, bestselling author of “Julie & Julia,” dead at 49 from cardiac arrest.

-Need we ask?

27) The missing ABC producer James Meek, who was raided by the FascistBI, has suddenly made an appearance. Who next? D. B. Cooper?



28) The cause of death of the Colorado House minority leader was determined to be a heart attack, i.e., the vax.


And finally...

29) And finally, an elegance coach says you should never wear trainers to a restaurant or a plunging neckline at a wedding.

How about platform tennies to a concert?

Larry Schweikart



  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE



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