The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 25, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

Once again, folks, I will be hosting "This Week's News" on Brighteon TV, "America Unhinged," Friday at 9:00 EST.


1)  I can’t speak for the veracity of this poll, but it now has the Wizard of Oz up 4.5% in PA, Shapiro only up 2%.

2) Boomshakalaka: A new poll has Don Bolduc a half point down in New Hampshire’s US Senate race.

-He would be 54.

3) The puddingbrained Rutabaga is now saying he got legislation passed by a “vote or two” that never passed anything.

4) Zerohedge reporting that House DemoKKKrats have urged Biteme to shift his Uke war strategy to diplomacy for peace.

-Oh? I thought the Ukes were winning.

5) The governor’s race in Michigan has tightened up as Republican Tudor Dixon has gained, and incumbent DemoKKKrat Witless Protection has slipped. Tied up!

6) And in Washington State, Larry (Hairpiece) Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” has put the Senate race between Patty (Pavlov) Murray and Tiffany Smiley in the “upset alert” category.

7) Kurt Schlichter nails it: “Here comes the DemoKKKrat rout.”

8) The New York Slimes is clever to say, “math scores fell in nearly every state,” making it look like red states are no better than blue, but how about homeschool vs. public school scores? Huh?

9) Steve Bannon, Mandela with a MyPillow, has strong legal ground to get his J-6 Patriot Day contempt conviction tossed.

10) “Drifting” car gangs have taken over entire streets in Chicago, with gang violence following.

11) So this is interesting: Grand Moff Garland has charged 13 and arrested two in three separate cases of ChiCom spying.

-Some options here are: the focus groups say that the constant attacks on Americans ain’t playing so well; they are getting ready to push the “Muh Taiwan” war now that the Uke war has failed, or Biteme’s “10% to the Big Guy” check bounced.

12) Fetterman Massacre, the Human Ox, is trying to “pre-spin” the debate tonight by citing “human error” in closed-captioned transcribers.

13) Good guys with guns ended an attack Monday on a St. Louis school.

14) Some 80% of Republicans AND DemoKKKrats believe the opposing party is a threat to America and could destroy it if not stopped.

-Yeah, but only one is right. The other one owned slaves.

15) Is recycling a waste of time? Why, yes. Yes, it is. Only 5% of 51 million tons of household crap last year actually got recycled.



16) Significant only because it’s from the RealClearPolitics energy wing, “Real Clear Energy:” “Learning all the wrong lessons from America’s energy crisis.”

-The biggest lesson is Global Warming is a hoax, and there is nothing you can do about normal climate change as a result of the sun.

17) The Japanese economic minister has resigned.

-Probably the first of many across the globe.

18) Good news and bad news. The slump in Kollyfornia’s notorious container ship backup has ended . . . largely due to a slump in imports.

19) Business activity has contracted for the fourth straight month.

20) Fyre Festival Fraudster Billy McFarland is back with a new venture where he says, “this time everyone is invited.”

-I think he also said something about everyone getting a free Theranos blood test, but that remains unconfirmed.

Elizabeth Holmes



21) Colonialism alert: A new Uganda-Tanzania oil pipeline is under attack by elites because it is perpetuating evil “fossil fuels.”

-Don’t these heathens know they need to do what Klaus Schwab tells them? Keep goin’, my brothers. Remember Isandlwana!

22) Great Britain is about to have its first Indian Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, after Liz Truss lasted 4.1 Scaramuccis.

23) The ChiComs have an “electromagnetic sled” train that is nearly supersonic.

-Reportedly they stole the idea from Clark W. Griswold.

24) Japan has undertaken the biggest arms buildup since World War II in response to the ChiComs. What could go wrong?

25) A ChiCom-related group is to run midterm “election observer” programs in key swing states.

26) Maybe cuz of this? Voters in battleground states prefer the GOP over DemoKKKrats in the House by 6%.

27) The world’s largest offshore wind farm is “unprofitable” for Equinor, say government-funded researchers.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya.

28) Did I not tell you in my substack last week that, slowly, the wheel is turning on all these issues worldwide? The British NIH has ended its “gender-affirmative care model” (i.e., supporting child mutilation.)

29) Speaking of the Limeys, a Christian evangelist was awarded $11,000 and got a police apology for her wrongful arrest. . . twice.

30) Dozens of international climate models are wildly exaggerating the extent of “global warming.”

-On purpose.



31) Tik Tok in Latin America: moderators sort through vile videos of child abuse, animal cruelty, and suicide.

32) Top filmmaker Tim (“Beetlejuice”) Burton has fled Disney, calling it a “horrible big circus.”



33) From the great Steve Kirsch, the China Virus vaxxes are adversely affecting women’s reproductive health.

-Which, you know, doesn’t bother depopulationists like Bill (Manboobs) Gates or Klaus (Firing) Schwab at all.

34) More evidence the China Virus was engineered in a lab.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya.


And finally...

35) And finally, a new study shows that kids who play video games are more intelligent than their peers.

-That’s cuz they learn early on there are cheat codes to find the Stone of Eternal Petroleum hidden in the World of Warcraft.




  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE



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