The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 17, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

Once again, folks, I will be hosting "This Week's News" on Brighteon TV, "America Unhinged," Friday at 9:00 EST.


1) In a veiled shot against the Rutabaga, former president Zero said that communications between the White House and the Kremlin are “as weak as they have been” in a long time.

2) Herschel Walker “reset the race” in Georgia with a strong debate performance.

3) Deluded loser Ru Paul trying to convince Republicans that “Trump’s unelectability will be palpable.” No, analspooge, what is “papable” is how much the base now utterly hates you globalist rectalmonkeys and will never, ever allow you to govern again.

4) A new Faux News poll shows that only 33% would reelect Rutabaga today, and 50% said they don’t think Biteme is honest or trustworthy.

-Man, these people are really slow. These numbers should be zero and 100%.

5) An election integrity case in Oregon produced testimony from a state official that the voting machines were connected to the internet.

6) The Demented Pervert had his hands all over a little girl and told her, “no serious guys until you’re 30.”

7) Talk about your “systemic racism,” look no further than DemoKKKrat hiring: all they want to hire are elite white college grads.

8) Stacey M1 Abrams, the Human Planet, has a PAC being investigated after doling out thousands to the director’s family and friends, including $120,000 to a director’s sister for “consulting services.”

-i.e., where to find a buffet that will still allow her in. “No buffet for you. You heah fouah houah. You go now.”

9) Henry Ford’s great-grandson forced a church to remove its cross display mourning 64 million aborted babies.

10) Lying Rutabaga said that $7 gas “always has been the case” in Kollyfornia and paid $60 for Taco Bell.

-I was in Kollyfornia just last year, and it wasn’t anywhere close to $7. More like $5, and that was about $1.50 higher than AZ.

11) Aspirin is as effective as any standard blood thinner to prevent life-threatening blood clots.

12) Rasmussen finds the GOP’d generic lead nearly doubled to a seven-point lead. That’s about 40 seats.

13) The campaign of Fetterman Massacre, the Human Ox, had its panties in a wad over an NBC reporter, that he was having trouble following the conversation in an interview.

-Cept it’s true.

14) Kollyfornia’s water plan falls victim to Communist Racist Theory and “equity.”

15) Trafalgar, one of our two best pollsters, has J.D. Vance nearing “safe” territory in its latest poll (3.5 points—almost certainly severely still undercounting R support in OH).

16) Senator Ron Johnson has widened his lead over Mandela Mau Mau Barnes in the WI senate race.

17) A Florida man was arrested for having a nine-year-old drive him home. Can’t be any worse than our snowbirds here.

18) Dems fear Kari Lake could be America’s governor and a major MAGA star. (Correction: “Kari Lake WILL BE Arizona’s governor.”)

19) Our mad Aristos: How the Techies are funding their own destruction.

20) Election software firm used by New Calcutta (LA) County and counties in swing states gave “Superadministrator” privileges to contractors in China.



21) Amazon employees in San Bernardino demand a $ 5-an-hour pay increase.

22) First we had “Quiet quitting,” now it’s "over employment." Tech CEO calls it “a new form of theft and deception.” But what if you’ve not only done all your employer requested, but all that he allows? Are you to waste time?

23) U.S. refiners are preparing for a potential fuel ban.

24) Beyond Meat’s CEO about to become Beyond a Job as layoffs loom.

25) Electricity prices up 24% under Rutabaga.

26) Consumer sentiment for housing at the lowest level in 30 years.

27) While mortgage interest rates rose to 7.2, the highest since Clinton.

28) Biteme has declared economic war on the ChiCom semiconductor industry.

-Not sure that’s such a bad thing.



29) Green Screen Zelensky thanks Biteme for another $7.25 million security aid package.

-Make it stop, please.

30) Under Biteme the markets have lost $14 trillion in total wealth.

31) China has bombarded U.S. warships with drones at least 151 times over five years, including landing one on a destroy’s deck.

32) Swedish churches may close due to rocketing heating bills. Ok, what about mosques?

33) All Broadcasting Communism network (ABC) predicts winter will bring a health crisis to Ukraine.

-Oh? I thought they were hunkey-dory. Is this the preparation to explain the Russkie winter offensive that recaptures all the cities?

34) Good old commie PayPavlov has terminated the Hong Kong account of a pro-democracy group.

35) Alexander Mercouris, on “The Duran,” predicted the fall of one UK government official just days before it happened, now predicts Liz Truss will be ousted in short order.

36) Meanwhile, the UK Guardian is still desperately trying to force Pootie-poot to use nukes.

37) U.S. slowing down high-end munitions deliveries to the Ukes, “at or very near the end of its capacity to give.”

38) How the Demented Pervert has lost the Middle East—even worse than Zero and Cankles.



39) New UFO hearings are coming with “whistleblowers.”

-This guy?

The Predator



40) Bill Maher, the stopped clock, said overreacting to the China Virus with lockdowns caused a huge learning loss and inflation, not the China Virus itself.

41) New England Patriot’s owner Robert Kraft, age 81, married his ophthalmologist girlfriend (47) in a wedding that saw Tom Brady attend and Ed Sheeran and Elton John perform.

-Funny, when musicians start out, they play weddings, bar mitzvahs, and pancake days. And when they are at the end of their careers . . . .

42) In the battle between Netflix and Disney’s streaming empires, Disney is rapidly catching up, to everyone’s disappointment.



43) The ChiComs have doubled down on “zero Covid,” as people have “had enough.” We’ll see.

-What if . . . just hear me out . . . the ChiComs were losing control, and this is their excuse to stay in office? You know, like a certain Republic in recent years?

44) More evidence that China Virus vaxxes kill.

45) Steve Kirsch’s slide presentation that shows 6.1 killed for every one even remotely argued as “saved” by the China Virus vaxxes.

-Yeah, those are winning numbers.

46) Israeli Ministry of Heath has confirmed that the leaked video of safety problems with the China Virus vaxxes is real. Then it issued false statements about the vaxxes.

47) Moderna’s China Virus vax turns deadly in just a few months.

48) Some at the Department of InJustice wanted to pursue criminal action against the vax makers, but Grand Moff Garland called them off.

COMMENTARY: Years from now DemoKKKrats will look back and realize that they had the silver bullet to take out Trump, and it wasn’t stupid, meaningless Ukraine impeachments or Patriot Day (J6) activities. It was the vax. All along, this was Trump’s only weakness: he backed the vax. Not criticizing him—this was the approach one would expect from a businessman. Fix the problem with the tools you have. But if DemoKKKrats had not come in, as Rutabaga did, even more vax-happy than Trump was in his first months dealing with the China Virus, they could have been the “reformers” and pinned all the vax deaths and lockdown dysfunction on him. Instead—because they are totalitarian snobgobblers—they “jes kain’t hep it.” They had to go with big gubment, all the time.

49) How cancer deaths from the China Virus are being hidden.


And finally...

50) And finally, an Arkansas man said a golf club cheated him out of a new truck promised as a prize for a hole-in-one. The truck was valued at $53,000.

-However, I think if I’m the judge I give him a choice of either the truck of 100 shots with a driver at both the head of the country club and the owner of the dealership.



  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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