NY Citizens Audit Finds Hidden Infrastructure in Voter Rolls

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

While attending The Pit, sponsored by True the Vote and OPSEC over the weekend, one of the more remarkable presentations was the New York Citizens Audit on the "Weaponization of the Voter Rolls" in the 2020 General Election. It was not only substantive; it was moving because it showed how a rag-tag group of concerned citizens could find the near to impossible. Beginning in July of 2021, homeschool mom Marly Hornik and her team found what is allegedly a secret fraudulent phantom voter infrastructure embedded in the voter rolls. With that discovery, her team of "70 or so" citizens made up of "data experts, homeschoolers, poll workers, farmers, and barbers" began what would be the unveiling of alleged unlawful election acts, misconduct of election officers, illegal voting, and more—all which materially affected elections in the state.

Slides/NYS BoE/ Registrations

Slides/Phantom Registrations

UncoverDC spoke with Hornik, who explained what the group believes is the rationale for the hidden infrastructure. The infrastructure, dubbed the Spiral Algorithm, allegedly allows for the undetectable "track[ing] and extraction of every registration based on their character to assign votes when needed." Per the petition found in The Pit Book, the official vote count certified by the Secretary of State for the 2020 election showed 8,690,614 votes. However, "those votes do not match the number of voters who voted (8,418, 179) nor does it match the number of votes from the New York State precincts, 8,627,153 with a minimum discrepancy of 272,435 votes, contrary to Election Laws 17-126 and 17-136." Hornik explained:

"When you have a discrepancy like this, it brings up questions. So, then you need to have voters, real or not, in the voter rolls with a name and address, date of birth, and a State Board of Elections ID (SBOEID) number to match those fake votes to."

Hornik said it would be "an extremely cumbersome process to manually assign those votes," so someone developed a layered code hidden in the rolls to manage and hide the assigned registrations quickly and efficiently without a trace. With those findings, the group filed a May 9, 2022, petition served to Attorney General Letitia James calling for the decertification of the 2020 election. 

While tempting to dive into the way such a complex and layered algorithmic code was written and then hidden, for the purpose of this column, it is better to discuss the practical findings of their investigation. Hornik briefly explained the way they found the code during the presentation. She also provided a link to an extended video presentation explaining the Spiral Algorithm or "Matrix" for the software nerds out there.

Hornik explained they found two types of programmed Matrices; one is the Spiral type, and the other is the Metronome. The Spiral was found in 58 New York counties, and the Metronome was found in 4. Notably, the four Metronome counties represent "extremely high rates of over registration," according to Hornik. Looking at the voting age population specifically, Nassau county's over-registration is 162%, Wyoming's is 125%, Erie's is 145%, and Westchester's is 140%. The two types of Matrices or algorithms "refer to the pattern in which the registration numbers are assigned," said Hornik.

Reverse Spiral Matrix/Metronome stats/Document 3

Document 3: Metronome Matrix/NYAudit

It is the information found deep in the matrix that will probably interest most citizens from a practical point of view. The team also found and verified identical algorithms as evidence of alleged "election rigging" in other states. For example, they verified the existence of the Metronome matrix in a county in Ohio. Several former NSA people in attendance at the Pit confirmed the use of such algorithms in other states. Dirty voter rolls are a primary vector for election fraud in the United States. Voter rolls are the building blocks of elections; when they are dirty, election results cannot be trusted.

The Pit Book is divided into five important documents:

      1. Slides for an extended presentation of the Spiral Algorithm.
      2. New York's "Down Ballot Dilemma."
      3. The May 9, 2022 petition from Nassau County.
      4. A document for Sheriffs citing laws violated called "N.Y. Citizens Audit Case Synopsis: Identity Theft at the NYS Board of Elections.
      5. An abstract describing stenography in the New York state voter rolls—essentially a detailed written discussion of how they found the layers of the code and the way the layers of the code were "obfuscated."

Today's column will focus on some of the data Hornik and her team documented, resulting in the team's rationale for believing the 2020 election in New York should never have been certified. The most practical data are found in documents 2, 3, and 4 and the very helpful New York Counties tab on their website. The counties tab corresponds with the text of the 62 petitions filed, one for each county. Please understand that their investigation was extensive and revelatory of many acts that were "contrary to the law," a phrase used by Hornik to describe potential election crimes and malfeasance. I highly recommend reading the contents of The Pit Book link provided in this column.

Document 2: The Down Ballot Dilemma

This document concludes that "38 percent of the NYS Senators and Assembly members allegedly elected in 2020 CAN NOT PROVE THEY WON, as well as 41 percent of U.S. Congressional Representatives from N.Y. The number of votes in their election districts assigned to invalid/illegal registrations in the voter rolls OUTSTRIPS their margins of victory, making the assignment of a clear winner impossible." As previously mentioned, the investigation found that over 750,000 votes identified in the voter rolls were allegedly illegal or invalid.

The purpose of the document is to show a basis for an audit of the election as compared with standards in other industries. It shows both opposed and unopposed candidates in 2020 races with votes that represented anywhere from "11% to 21% of the victory margin votes cast from invalid/illegal registrations." In any other industry, those would constitute fraudulent data that would trip the need for an audit.

NYAudit/Document 2

Document 2 also shows several pages of the New York Assembly members who "cannot prove they won" in painstaking detail. They were thus certified under false pretenses, says the report. Hornik explained that the line items highlighted in red represent individuals "who were crushed by fraud."

NYAudit/Doc2/Assembly members

Document 3: The Petition

There are 62 petitions, one for each county in New York. The petition in the booklet is for Nassau county and was filed on May 9, 2022. It represents roughly 5 pages of various violations found in the state, with specifics on pages 5 and 6 on Nassau county and their petition for relief at the end. Each of the other petitions follows the same sequence in the presentation of information. Hornik provided UncoverDC with another petition for Monroe County, which contains a number of important exhibits.

Petition/Violations Found/N.Y. Citizens Audit

The petitions in aggregate correspond with a tab on the website that provides a thorough dive into the N.Y. counties where violations were discovered with an interactive map tool. Anyone who looks at this data and concludes this investigation isn't substantive or useful is just not serious about solutions for future elections.

Voters in the state should find the site extremely beneficial to understanding the potential for fraud in their respective counties. Queens and Nassau counties are pictured below, but the tools allow for navigation to all counties in the state. There were a number of ways the team looked at the data in the voter rolls, including details on discrepancies between the county tabulation counts and counts from the State Board, those purged who voted anyway, large numbers of votes cast from registrations that were missing from the state voter rolls to name just a few.

Document 3/ Queens County/Website

Document 3/ Nassau County/Website

Document 4: Laws Violated And Evidence For Sheriffs

Document 4 is a practical resource for Sheriffs that paves the way for discovering irregularities and potential prosecutions of alleged election fraud—specifically— alleged evidence of identity theft perpetrated by dirty voter rolls. The categories of the various types of irregularities in registrations are broken into sections, with data provided on each category. This document provides information and guidance that is sorely lacking in many investigations. Many election integrity investigations find data to suggest fraud but fall short of solutions. It is an exceptional template for other states. Hornik said that N.Y. Citizens Audit has "four states ready and waiting with data teams to see if they can replicate their findings."

Sheriffs Document 4/Table of Contents/N.Y. Citizens Audit

Document 4/Sheriffs/Identity Theft/N.Y. Citizens Audit

Again, very detailed evidence is cited to include the myriad of ways the voter rolls were allegedly compromised. The team then provides in Document 4 the various laws that were potentially violated for easy reference. Further, a summary of the excess registrations is provided, acknowledging that some categories may overlap.

Document 4/NY Citizens Audit/Sheriffs/Irregularities in Registrations

Document 4/Sheriffs/Irregularities in Registrations

The report rightly concludes that "a small group of determined citizens discovered this abject mess" is a miracle and "must not be ignored." The investigation yields actionable intelligence on irregularities in New York state's voter rolls broken down by county with practical suggestions for sheriffs in the state. They looked at all races on the ballot and were extremely granular in their explanations of the data they found. When asked how this all came about, Hornik replied:

"We asked simple questions and found shocking results."

Inspired by their love of country and their sincere wish for clean elections, Hornik added:

"You have to find a way to believe that Creator God, or whoever you want to identify, has imbued you with the talents and abilities necessary to overcome what appears to be an impenetrable obstacle. You have to first believe you will succeed."

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