Project Veritas COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed Part 2: Odd Macabre

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

We reported Tuesday that Project Veritas (PV) had released 'COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed Part 1' featuring interviews and an undercover video of two Registered Nurses and an Emergency Room Doctor for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Part 2 has now landed and features statements from a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official in a secret recording, speaking about mandated door-to-door vaccines and more.

Throughout an evening predicated on being the first date from a dating app, an undercover Project Veritas journalist and the target of his ruse, Taylor Lee, develop what becomes a running joke between them about using blow darts to inject people who are yet to be unvaccinated.

"You get blow darts of J&J... again, I'm a little cynical... go to the unvaccinated and blow it into them. That's where I am at this point."

Though the degree to which Lee's true beliefs are reflected in the video is unknown, the series of clips show that vaccinating those who don't want to be vaccinated is something this FDA employee has considered and is willing to joke about.

Lee references the uncomfortably recent history of governments' medical experimentation on African Americans as the cause of a "deep-rooted" "mistrust" among them. Over what appears to be an evening with alcohol, the macabre humor escalates.

PV: "How do you reach minority populations? Is there a way to do it? I want to get back to normal."

In what appears as exaggeration humor styled sarcastically in an irony of extremes, Lee fleshes out a hypothetical that is anything but:

Lee: "I'm sure there is. I'm not the person to answer it, though. Other than blow darts, we'll go for the whites first. We'll post, like, video campaigns about doing it to the whites first. And then they can't call it..."
PV: "...racist."
Lee: "Exactly."
PV: "...the thought of being shot in Africa by a blow dart..."
Lee: "We'll have to hire some Amazonians first."

A later exchange brings the fantasy to a head:

Lee: "Since J&J isn't mRNA, you have no issue of it counteracting with anything else, so again, you just shoot everyone."
PV: "I wonder what technology we have... miniature sort of blow darts or anything like that?"
Lee: "Drones. Drone darts. Easy."

Being on a supposed date, it's unknown what incentive hyperbole may have in Lee's efforts toward reaction. At times Lee appears to be playing with ideas as much or more than offering serious ones.

Lee: "Census goes door-to-door if you don't respond. So, we have the infrastructure. It'll cost a ton of money, but I think at that point, there needs to be a registry of people who aren't vaccinated. Although that sounds very Germany."

This PV release may be best seen firsthand. Outlandish statements from the video will be quoted and met with outrage, particularly among those who read the words without seeing the delivery and on outlets that don't prioritize fidelity to the original truth.

PV: "My Dad doesn't know anything.... my problems with him are not on your level... he's anti-vax."
Lee: "Okay. So we need a blow dart to go visit him. Hey Dad, stick your arm out; it's just a Vitamin C shot."

There are moments where Lee becomes more thoughtful and serious, giving us insight into his thinking. As he points out himself, however, that does not tell us what the FDA believes. "What I think and what the government will actually do are very different." One such moment he discusses COVID statistics, which may be within his expertise as an FDA Economist:

"This is the one thing that I hate about statistics. Sometimes you can play with them and the way that you want to show the information. If you let COVID kill off everyone over 60, let's say. Everyone under that age is going to have an easier recovery period. So the death rate would obviously go down, 'Oh, we're doing a great job, death rate's down.' Okay, you've killed off like 400 million people."

"This is the thing that's always, like, really crude as an economist, is we have a certain value that we put on each human life. And so when I think about, like, government mandates, like that I think about it in those terms, which you know is terrible because I think each human life is priceless in its own self."

Project Veritas says 'COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed' is a "series of videos exposing government health agencies and pharmaceutical companies—showing what they really think about the COVID vaccine" that "gets more damming[sic] with each successive release."

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