Who Is Behind the Shadow Campaign “Fortifying” Our Elections?

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Editors note: UncoverDC author Michelle Edwards contributed to the research for this column 

On Feb. 4, Time Magazine published a bombshell piece entitled "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election." The comprehensive "bipartisan" report revealed how a network of organizations with links to the Democratic party worked to ensure that the 2020 presidential election resulted in their planned outcome, stating, "Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated." The article defines the secret campaign's role in the election, claiming, "They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it."

I recently spent some time digging into the various groups that make up the network of conspirators in the "shadow campaign." One of those groups is a company called Catalist, the crown jewel of progressive data companies. Upon studying Catalist, it became immediately clear that the entire secret campaign was a well run, well funded, and well-executed treasonous theft of our Republic- and they rubbed it in our faces. Considering the players, the fact Time printed its piece as though the strategic maneuver was a bipartisan effort is insulting.

A Closer Look At Catalist, Laura Quinn, and the Secret Project

Catalist was founded in 2006 under the name Data Warehouse LLC by Clinton family operatives Laura Quinn and Harold Ickes. The company has worked hand-in-hand with the Democratic political movement and data collection since the first election of Obama. According to reports, Catalist allowed liberal donors, including George Soros, to contribute to left-of-center voter turnout, modeling, and activation efforts without violating Federal Election Commission limits that go along with contributions to the Democratic National Committee.

Once collected, Catalist sells its data to progressive organizations and labor unions. Catalist's contracts concerning data usage reportedly expect its customers to contribute all voter information collected in areas such as issue interests into the company's database for ultimate use by the broader movement, thus creating well-rounded individual representations of political behavior. Essentially, Catalist operates a comprehensive national voter database that contains close to every registered voter in the country and virtually every voting-age individual who is not registered to vote. And thanks to the far-reaching efforts to gather all possible data, each entry includes hundreds of additional pieces of information, from race to the likelihood of owning a SUV.

The "What We Do" section of Catalist's website states the company "compiles, enhances, stores, and dynamically updates on 256 million unique voting-age individuals across 50 states and the District of Columbia." The short description continues, adding, "Catalist can help you build membership, target persuasive messaging, engage activists, drive an issue agenda, and register or mobilize voters." 

The "Who We Are" page on Catalist's website notes that Board Chair Patricia Bauman "is active as a donor to Democratic candidates." In fact, Patricia Bauman and the Bauman Family Foundation, which she heads, are significant leaders of the American Left. The web page reveals that over half of the members of the company's Leadership Team list direct ties to the Democratic party in their bio. The CEO of Catalist not only has a connection to the DNC, but also to Homeland Security. And these individuals were "targeting" supposed "disinformation" agents online rather than engaging with them and bringing attention to them, while prodding the legacy media to "expose" people.  

Catalist President Laura Quinn

A key member of the Leadership Team with solid ties to the Democratic party is Catalist co-founder and President Laura Quinn, who served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Vice President Gore. She also served as Executive Director of the U.S. Senate Democratic Technology and Communications Committee for Majority Leader Tom Daschle, after serving in senior communications and economic policy positions for U.S. Senators Jay Rockefeller, Carl Levin, and Joe Biden. In 1996, Quinn founded QRS Newsmedia, a Washington, D.C.-based firm that specialized in targeted, multi-local, earned-media efforts. The company successfully designed and executed projects that used the most advanced technologies to reach audiences scattered across fragmented media markets. The Time article points out that a few years ago, Quinn "piloted a nameless, secret project, which she has never before publicly discussed, that tracked disinformation online and tried to figure out how to combat it." It seems safe to assume that Quinn's secret project has been years in the making, and aligns with the secret "bipartisan" cabal that worked to "fortify" the 2020 election.

Origins of the "Secret Plan"

A year after its formation, Catalist is mentioned extensively in a 2007 WikiLeaks email between John Podesta, Steve Bing, George Soros, and others. The subject line of the memo is "Strategic Outlook for the 2008 Elections." The memo is full of questionable activity and provides a substantial foundation for the beginnings of the "Shadow Campaign." On page 13 of the memo, Catalist's blossoming role in "fortifying" the elections is revealed.


A glance at Catalist's client lists further defines its function in the secret plan. The list includes the AFL-CIO, NEA, SEIU, NARAL, America Votes, MoveOn.org, NAACP, U.S. Action, Women's Voices, Women's Vote, Planned Parenthood, Emily's List, ATLAS, Sierra Club, The Center for Civic Participation, League of Conservation Voters, Wake Up Walmart, Citizen Action of W.I., Center for Community Change, ACORN, Clean Water Action, Education Voters Institute, DSCC, Democracia USA, Defenders of Wildlife, DCCC, California Labor Federation, The Strategy Group, Maine Public Action, Mission Control, Rock the Vote, and Blueprint. 

Catalist Client-Partner GQR

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, left, and her husband Stanley Greenberg are dancing during her victory party on Nov. 8, 2016. The victory party was held at the Shubert Theater in New Haven. (Marc-Yves Regis I | Special to the Courant)

As noted above, Catalist's client list is extensive and revealing. In 2016, likely in an effort to step up its game, Catalist partnered with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (GQR). A closer look reveals that Quinn and GQR founder Stan Greenberg, who is married to U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), have strong left-leaning political ties going back to at least 2009. GQR's client list includes The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Planned Parenthood, and Open Society Foundations, to name a few. According to GQR's website, the company provides opinion research and data-driven strategies for candidates, parties, government leaders, corporations, and advocacy groups across the United States and around the world. The company's analysis furnished the basis for the reform of the Democratic Party in the 1980s and the election of President Bill Clinton in 1992, with its founder serving as Clinton's pollster and strategist. And the AFL-CIO is not only a client of Catalist. They are also a client of GQR.

Less than two months before November's election, GQR published a PDF entitled "Protecting Our Democracy." The document explains in great detail its plan to "fortify" the election. Either no one was paying attention then, or they let it continue by design. Some of the sections in the PDF are labeled, "Recognize Challenges...Without Echoing Attacks," "Explain Why Trump is Attacking the Voting Process," and "Inoculating Democracy and Making Sure Every Vote Is Counted."

The last section, "Inoculating Democracy and Making Sure Every Vote Is Counted" details "another less partisan approach" towards inoculating voting that is based on the "Race Class Narrative Project." This narrative emphasizes that democracy should work for—and include—all of us, and implies that politicians are trying to raise doubts to discourage people from voting. According to the report, this approach "ranks as highly motivating among Democrats and Biden voters." 

As an aside, ASO Communicationsthe organization behind the "Race Class Narrative Project," lists Anat Shenker-Osorio as its Principal. In 2018, Anat was the recipient of a grant from George Soros' Open Society Fellowship. As part of her fellowship project, she analyzed materials from advocacy, opposition, traditional media, social media, and popular culture to expose promising and problematic frames and word choices. She has also advised the AFL-CIO.

Meanwhile, in addition to driving the narrative with handbooks and planned and practiced messaging, GQR also has a digital strategy engine that the "Shadow Players" employ. The company's website states, "Our strategies put technology to use to tell your story, engage your audience wherever they may be, and move them to action. We assist international and domestic clients with a wide variety of digital support." GQR's "Digital and Social Media" page states that it "closely follows activity on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other online conversations, content engagement, and influencer networks to better understand public opinion." 

Blog archives pertaining to "General Election Day Flags" dive into an extensive "guide to flagging problematic content on and after Election Day."  Instructions indicates some content will "require immediate offline action, including law enforcement, and others can be raised with the platforms or resolved with strategic communication." Apparently GQR did not finish setting up the remainder of its "Blog" page for public consumption, most likely assuming not many people would view it.

I could literally go on and on. Not suprisingly, Catalist was involved in some controversy and I have approximately 500-600 pages of litigation to still read. So, I will leave this here. Yet another American-destroying leftist company funded by George Soros with contributions from Bill Gates.

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