Immaculate Deception: Election Fraud Evidence “Should Haunt This Country”

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

On Thursday, Dr. Peter Navarro, Assistant to President Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, released a 36-page "chess-board look" at the entire terrain of the 2020 election. During the question-and-answer portion of the invitation-only press conference, Navarro scolded members of the press for their lax approach to journalism.

Jeremy Peters of the New York Times asked why so many of the court cases are being dismissed and why so many people, including Attorney General Barr, do not seem to agree that there was widespread, significant evidence of fraud. Peters also seemed to insinuate that the investigation is a sham designed to undermine election integrity, and said that investigations are just an "ever-widening effort by people to undermine the integrity of the election that’s grown from the Democrats to Republicans and state legislatures, many of whom supported and voted for Trump, to Trump’s own justice department and his own attorney general and his own three Supreme Court justices, which he has hand-picked." 

Navarro responded to Peters with what few in the press seem to be willing to acknowledge: The Texas case that went to the Supreme Court was dismissed on standing, not evidence. Few of the other courts looked at anything but procedure. He added that few in the media have done their homework.

"I’ve literally read thousands of affidavits, I’ve read every single court case," Navarro said. "I’ve looked at all the testimony that was done at the state legislature level and I can count on one hand the number of people who’ve done that in this country."  He added, "The New York Times has the most power of any news organization in the world to do effectively a hard investigation of all of this. It simply has not done that . . . The knee-jerk reaction these days is to, if you’re on the left it’s like something that comes out that doesn’t fit your narrative, you knock it down."

When asked by reporter Penny Starr from Breitbart News whether he thinks the report will change the outcome of the election, Navarro said that he hoped the report would "be a catalyst for a full investigation of all of these alleged election irregularities on a fast track and done before Inauguration Day."

Sam Stein with The Daily Beast asked Navarro if the "political futures" of politicians like Georgia's Republican Governor Brian Kemp should be "haunted" because of how they have handled electoral irregularities in their states. Navarro's response was simply, "It should haunt this country."

Navarro wrote the report as a private citizen because he believes that the piecemeal anecdotes and multiple lawsuits alleging election fraud failed to communicate a clear, centralized overview of the stunning evidence he has investigated. His goal was to prompt the media to explore with curiosity and to help the American people understand the gravity and scope of what has occurred. In short, he said it was a "theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single silver-bullet election irregularity."

His deep-dive examined six categories of irregularities in six swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The check-marks in the tables denote widespread evidence and the asterisks denote that there is some evidence of fraud or irregularities. The six categories of irregularities were:

  • Outright voter fraud
  • Ballot mishandling
  • Contestable process fouls
  • Equal protection clause violations
  • Voting machine irregularities
  • Significant statistical anomalies

Chart/Immaculate Deception Report

Navarro believes there appears to have been a "coordinated strategy, effectively to stuff the ballot-box with Biden votes and at least some evidence of the destruction of Trump ballots." He also points out that the number of votes being contested dwarfs the number of votes seen in the relatively thin Biden victory margin. 

Navarro argues that the weight of the evidence provides more than an ample basis "to swing the election in favor of Donald Trump." He looked at 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations, testimony in a variety of state courts and legislatures, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage.

Table 1 shows the seemingly insurmountable Trump leads on Nov. 3, which evaporated in the days following, eventually turning to Biden with razor-thin margins. It was an astonishing reversal of fortune for Trump, one that seems to defy credulity.

Table 1/Immaculate Deception Report

Table 2 indicates the widespread incidence of fraud in the six swing states. It also shows just how out of balance the Biden victory margin is compared with the massive numbers of ballots in question. With that kind of margin, a Trump victory could be very possible.

Table 2/Immaculate Deception Report

Outright voter fraud

Navarro classifies outright voter fraud in Table 3 as actions ranging from "large-scale manufacturing of fake ballots, bribery, and dead voters to ballots cast by ineligible voters such as felons and illegal aliens, ballots counted multiple times, and illegal out-of-state voters."

Table 3/Immaculate Deception Report

Ballot mishandling in the six swing states

Ballot mishandling represents the second major dimension of alleged irregularities in the 2020 election. As seen in Table 4, it is a multifaceted issue.

Table 4/Immaculate Deception Report

Contestable process fouls

Table 5 represents the third dimension of election irregularities. This category includes violations such as poll watcher harassment, mail-in and absentee ballot rules violations, improper voter registrations, illegal campaigning at poll locations and improperly cured ballots.

Table 5/Immaculate Deception Report

Equal protection clause violations

Table 6 refers to the material differences in the enforcement of the 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause, due to the extraordinarily high volume of mail-in and absentee ballots seen in all six states. Democrats voted in much higher numbers with mail-in and absentee ballots than Republicans. Republicans are much more likely to vote in person.

In-person voting requires a higher standard of identification. There were also many chain- of-custody issues due, in part, to all the dropboxes. Ballot curing (the correction of mistakes) was also not standardized across jurisdictions. Equal protection was central to the Pennsylvania case brought forward by combat-veteran, Sean Parnell. His Petition for A Writ of Certiorari with Congressman Mike Kelly, is now waiting for an opinion from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Table 6/Immaculate Deception Report

Voting machine irregularities

Dominion Voting Systems machines and their SmartMatic software are central to this dimension of election fraud. There is mounting evidence reported by multiple experts on the alleged cyber-fraud in the 2020 election. UncoverDC has published several articles on the subject of cyber-fraud and lawyer Sidney Powell's independent investigations have been at the forefront of those cases.

Table 7/Immaculate Deception Report

Significant statistical anomalies

Georgia and Wisconsin show the highest number of statistical anomalies. Table 8 shows anomalies that are characterized by abnormal rejection rates, excessively high voter turnout (more ballots cast than registered or eligible voters—exceeding 100 percent in some cases), improbably high vote totals compared to historical data, and unusual vote surges early in the morning on Nov. 4 in all six states, after the vote counting had been halted for a number of hours. The counts were "unusually large in size with unusually high Biden-to-Trump ratios." 

It is important to note that while it is routine to see the rejection of mail-in-and absentee ballots in elections, in the 2020 election there were extraordinarily high numbers of mail-in ballots and Joe Biden received a disproportionately high percentage of those ballots.

Table 8/Immaculate Deception Report

Navarro maintains that the pandemic provided cover for the introduction of hastily made changes in procedures such as mass mail-in voting and the circumvention of state legislatures by other government officials in the changing of voting procedures and revisions of statutes. "They accomplished these statutory revisions through executive fiat or friendly lawsuits, thereby weakening ballot integrity," explained Navarro.

He also contends that it is a dangerous game the media, politicians and the DOJ are playing. He said Barr "had no business making the statement he did" because it was premature. "If there are sufficient election irregularities and illegal votes to overturn the thin Biden margins in those battleground states, then America deserves a different outcome."













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