An Open Letter to President Trump

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

By Daniel Bobinski

Dear Mr. President,

My purpose for writing today is to address the Covid-19 situation.

According to the CDC report you quoted recently, only 6% of people who had less than two comorbidities died from Covid. And, I’m sure you remember Dr. Deborah Birx telling us that people are listed as Covid deaths even if they didn’t die from Covid.

Currently, if someone contracts Covid, that person has between a 97% and 99.85% chance of recovery. And yet, despite a steadily declining death rate nationwide, the medical establishment continues to act as if contracting Covid is a death sentence. If I may use a word that we hear with increasing regularity, this is gaslighting. They’re telling us one thing while the data tells us something else.

In many states your political enemies play on that. They continue to enact harsh lifestyle restrictions, all while blaming you for the pain and harassment that they inflict.

To cut to the chase, Mr. President, it has become obvious that decisions and warnings from some of your advisors are made with ulterior motives.

Mr. President, I don’t sit on the board of any multi-million-dollar corporation, but as an executive coach for over 30 years, I have clients who do. And my clients pay me to provide brutally honest insights based on my observations so they can have the best chance of success. I realize the following is unsolicited, but I want you and our country to succeed, so allow me to share some observations.

  1. In 2010, Dr. Anthony Fauci was named to the Leadership Advisory Team for “The Decade of Vaccines,” a program started by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It is unfathomable to me that this was not disclosed to the American public from the start.
  2. Fauci is on record saying, “Things can’t and won’t get back to how they were” until there’s a vaccine. Interestingly, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest contributor to the World Health Organization (donating more annually than any nation state), has invested heavily in vaccine manufacturing. In fact, their plans for this have been long-established.
  3. On the very day you declared a national emergency to combat coronavirus, Bill Gates resigned from the Board of Directors of both Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway. As an executive coach, I know that nobody at that level makes such a move without a specific purpose. I do not believe the timing of his resignations was coincidental.
  4. When you expressed hope in the efficacy of the Zelenko Protocol (Zinc, Azithromycin, and Hydroxychloroquine [HCQ]) for treating Covid-19, Dr. Fauci downplayed it. Yet in 2005, the National Institutes of Health published an article in the Virology Journal titled Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Since Dr. Fauci was already the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases at that time, he likely knew of HCQ’s effectiveness in fighting coronaviruses as early as 2005.
  5. Despite thousands of front-line doctors going on record saying hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating Covid-19, some doctors are told their medical licenses will be revoked if they prescribe HCQ to their Covid patients. In fact, some have lost their jobs because of it. And doctors I’ve interviewed have told me that, for the first time in their decades-long medical careers, they’ve been instructed not to prescribe a medication, even a drug that's been used safely around the world for 65 years. They state they have never before seen such a directive from the FDA.
  6. Other treatments are also successful for treating Covid-19, such as an FDA-approved method of blood purification and use of a nebulizer with Budesonide.

Mr. President, it has become clear to me that despite America’s doctors finding viable, effective, low-cost treatments to combat Covid, both your political enemies and some in the medical establishment do not have your best interests in mind.

Some want to see you fail.

Others are motivated by the money that’s flowing from our nation’s coffers.

For example, health care systems are financially rewarded for admitting Covid-19 patients to the hospital and also for reporting coronavirus deaths (as disclosed by the Director of the CDC). Additionally, states receive money from FEMA for each new case of Covid-19 identified, and they’ve grown accustomed to receiving that money. As the Senate President Pro Tempore in Idaho recently said when he voted against ending Idaho’s state of emergency, “We would forfeit tens of millions of dollars that President Trump and Congress have set aside.”

Beyond the FEMA money, vaccines themselves are also a big business. Although we have effective and inexpensive treatments for Covid, Mr. Gates and his colleagues in the medical establishment – including some of your advisors – are saying the only way to “return to normal” is by vaccinating the world.

I feel the need to underscore that the push for a vaccine is not simply an altruistic effort. The money involved in creating vaccine manufacturing facilities and delivery systems is not being spent – it’s being invested (their word). People affiliated with these organizations expect and anticipate a profit. And, with a stated goal of vaccinating the world, it will be a large profit.

Mr. President, some of your advisors recommending against inexpensive yet tremendously effective treatments have a clear conflict of interest.

So where does that leave us? We’ve heard much talk that a vaccine is on the way and the military will be involved in its distribution. Some governors are telling their states that vaccines will be required before they can return to normal.

Again, my work involves giving brutally honest insights based on my observations so although the following is unsolicited, I ask you to consider three things:

  • Expand your pool of advisors in the arena of vaccines. Do not let advisors linked to the vaccine industry be your main source of information. Abraham Lincoln had his team of rivals and King Solomon said many advisors bring success. We have effective and inexpensive treatments for Covid and with such an excellent recovery rate (97 to 99.85%), no reason exists for vaccines to be mandatory.
  • Please also push for the FDA to approve the Zelenko Protocol to be prescribed at symptom onset to prevent needless hospitalizations and needless coronavirus deaths.
  • Please remove the financial incentives for hospitals to admit Covid patients. Money going to the states from the Federal Government (e.g., OUR tax dollars) creates a disincentive for doctors to treat people early with existing inexpensive yet effective medication.

In closing, it has become obvious to me that some people giving you advice do not have your (or America’s) best interest in mind.  They are thinking about their own agendas and their own pocketbooks. For the sake of our American way of life, please consider the points I made.

With much respect,

Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed.

PS.  As a side note, I see many of your supporters erroneously labelled as “anti-vaxxers,” when in fact they are simply anti-MANDATORY vaxxers. I ask you to also take that into consideration.  When the medical establishment comes up with a vaccine, please ensure it is not mandatory, and that vaccines are not required for Americans to move about freely. Other viable treatments for Covid exist.

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Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is a certified behavioral analyst, best-selling author, corporate trainer, executive coach, and columnist. He’s also a veteran and a self-described Christian Libertarian who believes in the principles of free market capitalism – while standing firmly against crony capitalism.

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