Project Veritas is releasing another explosive exposé continuing its deep dive into Facebook. Last week exposed their questionable hiring practices, and now Project Veritas is documenting the blatantly biased censorship of Republican and conservative groups and pages.
Founder of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe, made a statement regarding the new investigation which covers censorship of content by users on their platform as well as their hiring practices. "The Project Veritas investigation into Facebook began with an insider approaching us to expose pervasive suppression of content supporting Donald Trump and his agenda. We thrive on insiders coming to us and trusting us with their truth. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook has testified before Congress and in the media, there is no political bias with Facebook censors. This Project Veritas investigation proves otherwise right from the lips of the people hired to censor content. Project Veritas like other journalism outlets can be sued for our content but Facebook and other social media giants have an exemption in the communications law referred to as Section 230. I suspect Congress is going to take another look at that. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said over and over again, the only speech Facebook suppresses is hate speech and terrorism. But we have a content moderator on tape saying that if she sees a MAGA hat she deletes it automatically as terrorism. The investigation continues with Facebook but we still have people on the inside of Facebook".
Project Veritas' groundbreaking investigation started last week, with an insider coming forward to expose Facebook's hiring practices, specifically giving preference to H-1B visa holders from China and Korea to meet a diversity initiative set by Facebook as per a document obtained by Project Veritas from their inside source. Attorney Steve Klein from Barr and Klein, PLLC, was interviewed by James O’Keefe and was asked for his opinion on the document (if it is a legitimate Facebook document) from a legal perspective. Klein responded, “I think it raises serious concerns under Federal and State anti-discrimination laws specifically as it would relate to discriminating based on national origin”. Immigration and Nationality Act 8 USC § 1324B.
This week Facebook is put under the microscope for their censorship practices specifically against conservative pages and groups. Content moderators who are employed by Facebook receive these posts in what is called the 'Civic Harassment queue'. The content is then evaluated so as to determine whether or not it violates any of Facebook's terms of service. The insider divulged to Project Veritas, "I saw a stark contrast between Republicans vs Democrats in that queue, I saw upwards of 75 to 80% of the posts in that queue were from Republican pages, politicians, journalists, and pages that supported the President or supported conservatives".
When asked about the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine what appears in that queue the Project Veritas insider said, "The algorithm is not human but it had to be made by a human. So for the 75-80% of the posts to be targeting Republicans and conservatives, you can say it was a bot, but someone had to design that algorithm. So really, somebody at Facebook".
The insider expressed that he would be willing to testify to Congress under oath, if called to do so, regarding this 75-80% ratio in the queue that he saw first hand as an employee of Facebook. He states, "To me, censorship online is one of the biggest issues facing us in the lead up to the 2020 election".
Click here to see the entire Project Veritas exposé on their YouTube Channel.
Follow Project Veritas and James O'Keefe for the latest in this ongoing investigation into tech giant, Facebook.