Ep. 19: Trump’s wins, his trials, & what Anna Timmer thinks he’s missing

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Anna Timmer made an unanticipated splash into the national political scene when she gave an earful to Congressman Justin Amash at a local town hall. She’d worked on his campaign, felt betrayed, and she let him have it. And Anna hasn't let up much in her desire to make the world a better place. She's been watching how the government has handled the Covid-19 situation, and she sees some holes that everyone else seems to be missing!

In this 50 minute conversation, Anna and Daniel explore a wide range of topics related to current events, such the sudden emergence of Bill Gates and his outlandish suggestions, the long-term damage of businesses shutting down, and what is REALLY going on versus what we're being TOLD.

Check below for links mentioned in the show and how to follow Anna.

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BILL GATES VIDEO: He thinks we need "vaccinated person" papers authorizing us to travel

CDC.GOV: Stats on CV-19 in the United States

GLOBAL CV-19 Stats

LINK to TRUMP'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS (as posted by the White House on December 31, 2019)

Click on the time stamps to jump to a section you want to hear:

1:30 - Show sponsor: The Lift Realty Group www.LiftRealtyGroup.com 208-640-6333
2:17 - Anna Timmer
4:52 - Bill Gates discussion
10:38 - Discussion on Daniel's Column: Nancy Pelosi has no credibility: She should be ignored
13:31 - New York leaders being defiant to Trump's warnings; calling him a racist
14:47 - Restrictions and power grab in Michigan
16:10 - CDC.gov stats on COVID-19 in the USA
17:28 - Michigan Restaurants & Lodging Association report
18:05 - Discussion on Daniel's Column: The Left's scorched-earth war on Trump
19:55 - "Stimulus" will INHIBIT economic recovery
21:55 - Left is working to destroy Trump's accomplishments
23:18 - Trump has been given bad advice - he's making bad steps
24:22 - Where are the charts showing projected damage to business and lives?
25:45 - Is Fauci Deep State?
28:20 - Are Covid-19 deaths being OVER reported?
32:18 - Fauci comments on relaxing guidelines are unrealistic
33:41 - A 67-yr old's comments about going back to work
34:37 - The Deep State couldn't have asked for a better gift:
People are becoming financially dependent on the state
35:00 - End times: "Don't be deceived" / Freedom of worship is infringed
40:26 - Number of flu deaths - why aren't hospitals overwhelmed?
42:16 - President Trump needs ADDITIONAL ADVISERS
44:05 - Do not give into fears that curtail liberties of fellow Americans
45:37 - Even conservative ID has deep state power grabs
47:43 - Administration of drugs to fight CV-19 vs. "regulations" and projections
50:30 - Film Studies experiment: Use camera to portray what you want
52:33 - Anna Timmer's "Called to Liberty Podcast" and how to find Anna


Anna's Twitter page:

Anna's YouTube Podcast:

Anna's Audio-only Podcast:
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
PODBEAN: https://annatimmer.podbean.com/

Anna's Articles on UncoverDC:


Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/newbookofdaniel
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/newbookofdaniel
Daniel's work at UncoverDC.com: https://uncoverdc.com/?s=bobinski
NewBookofDaniel Blog: www.newbookofdaniel.com
Business Website: http://www.MyWorkplaceExcellence.com

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