Court Transcript lends Credence to OIG Summary Report

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Op Ed written by Tracybeanz

Last week, we released a report entitled OIG Summary Report: Stunning Implicationsin which we dissected a recent summary memo released by the OIG for the Department of Justice on January 29, 2019. Subsequent research has added more credibility to the assertions within the original article.

The article posted last week surmised that Fusion GPS was the government contractor that engaged in inherent governmental activities - an act prohibited by the Federal Acquisition Regulations, or the FAR.

In reviewing transcripts from the case brought against John Doe Bank, (Fusion GPS Bank) by Bean, LLC, the parent company for Fusion GPS, it becomes clear that the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, was in fact looking for connections between FusionGPS and the Intelligence Community.

In the transcript of a hearing held on October 20, 2017, the attorney for Fusion, William Taylor, is arguing in front of Judge Tanya S. Chutkan for a temporary restrainng order to halt the bank from producing a large swath of records to the HPSCI. The attorney argues that the subpoena by the government is extremely broad in scope, and asserts that it should not be executed, given that the HPSCI is only looking for records responsive to the relationship with Christopher Steele and the dossier: (Full transcript available here

It is after this exchange that Thomas Hungar, attorney for the US House of Representatives, informs the court that there is more the government is seeking. It is here we get our further substantiation.

Quoting the last highlighted paragraph, Hungar states "In addition, the committee is seeking to determine whether there are any connections between Fusion and the intelligence community, which is part of what this information would be designed to obtain".

It is clear from this testimony, that in as early as October of 2017, Devin Nunes and the HPSCI were also seeking to prove that Fusion GPS had a finanical relationship with the Intelligence Community.

This information lends even more credence to the assertion that Fusion GPS may have been a paid government contractor working in tandem with the FBI. The HPSCI was certainly interested in knowing.

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