Twitter and Facebook users are jumping ship to alternative platforms. Parler, an alternative to Twitter, has been getting so many new subscribers they've had to add extra servers to keep up with explos... Read More.
Former FBI agent Andrew McCabe testified under oath about the 2016 Russia probe before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. Committee Chair, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has long promised to brin... Read More.
On Monday it was announced that a Covid-19 vaccine can prevent nine out of ten people from getting the virus. The developers, Pfizer and BioNTech, said it had been tested on 43,538 people (42 percent h... Read More.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced today the state will conduct a full, audit, hand recount, and canvass of the Presidential race in each county. This comes after Raffensperger had... Read More.
By Larry Schweikart I can almost remember the moment I gave up on Fox News. It was in 2015, and they had just had another “expert” panel on of ultra neverTrumpers—people like Jonah Goldberg or Guy Bens... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen Today, we detail the newly filed Michigan lawsuit, which is rife with details and first-hand witness accounts of fraud in the election. We talk about the map as a whole and everyt... Read More.
Rick Trader and Sharon Angle and Conservative Commando Radio Show welcomes Tracy Beanz to discuss Election Fraud. Listen HERE beginning at 1:30... Read More.
Tracy Beanz and Blanquita Cullum of The Hard Question, WCGO Smart Talk Radio discuss election fraud, the Stop the Steal Rally and social network censorship. LISTEN HERE... Read More.
Listen HERE at 21:00 for Tracy Beanz and Joyce Kaufman as they discuss voter fraud, evidence of widespread fraud and how down ballot races show an agenda in place.... Read More.
Listen to UncoverDC Journalist, Carol King, discuss the Philadelphia election fraud with Chris Stigall click here to listen at the 1:08 mark Carol King... Read More.
Talking heads in network and cable news as well as editors at major newspapers are saying no evidence of voter fraud exists. Daniel thinks they're blind. Okay, not really. But he does think they are co... Read More.
In the days following the 2020 election, multiple lawsuits have been filed and others are in the process of being filed by various parties, including the Trump campaign, to challenge the ballot count i... Read More.