The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow September 22, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/29/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow —
Commentary by Larry Schweikart



1) Green Screen Zelensky met with Kevin McCarthy, who denied his plea to beg for more moolah from the U.S. taxpayers.

2) The House shot down a defense spending bill with Uke money a second time. Hold the line, fellahs!

3) A new Iowa poll shows President Trump thumping Ron DeSantis by 30 and Nick Knack Paddywhack Give a Uke a Bomb by 32.

4) President Trump promised the largest domestic deportation in American history if reelected.

-How can I help?

5) A 59-year-old Kentucky man died after being swarmed by bees in his home that were somehow inside a bag of potting soil.

6) It’s September. Rutabaga finally appointed a disaster relief coordinator for recovery efforts in the Ohio train derailment . . . in February.

7) The biggest story of Hispanic Heritage Month is that Hispanics are fleeing the DemoKKKrats.

-Mark my words: in 2024, President Trump will come very close to winning a majority of all Hispanics.

8) Bankster Scott called for firing auto employees who walked out, citing Ronald Reagan’s firing of federal air controllers.

-Another reason Bankster will never be president.

9) While DeSantis’s descent continues, unabated by the debate and time on the trail, even as he is in Texas with the Bushes and in Kollyfornia raising money.

10) While in Texas raising money, DeSantis gave a speech on energy. The 47,000-member Oil and Gas Workers Association then endorsed President Trump.

11) The DA in the Georgia anti-Trump case said attorney Lin Wood would be a prosecution witness. Wood responded, “I have NO knowledge of TRUTH that can be used in any way against President Trump . . . . I support President Trump 117%.”

-Dunno what’s up with that extra 17%, but . . .

12) McDonald’s has again been sued over uber-hot coffee.

-When I order coffee from any outlet—Starburqua, McDonald’s—I always request at least two cubes of ice so I “can drink it this century.”

13) An O’Keefe-less Project Veritas has ceased ops and laid off all remaining journalists.

-Serves ya right, ya snickerdoodles.

14) More ballot box stuffing caught on video in Bridgeport, CT, but of course, “nothing to see here. No vote fraud.”

15) Update: the state of Connecticut will subpoena Bridgeport’s absentee ballots.

16) Cankles showed up at the Clinton Global Initiative 2023 in “Kitten Heels,” which had to be screaming for mercy.

17) Another MAGA/populist/Trump shift in Lancaster County, Nebraska, returning Matt Innis to his chairman’s post.

18) New York gov Kathy Hoch-a-lugie says we mean it, “New York is really out of space” for illegal criminals coming in.


19) Speaking of New York, former governor Nipplepin Venthoarder (Andrew Cuomo) said Hock-a-Lugie should sue Rutabaga for the migrant “fiasco.”

-Why stop there? Why not sue the Senate and every DemoKKKrat in Washington who promoted this illegal carnage?

20) A bus full of high school students on their way to band camp crashed in New York, with 46 injured, some injuries “life-threatening.”



21) At 13 Baltimore City high schools, not a single student was proficient at grade level in math.



22)  U.S. existing home sales fell by 15% as the Fed signaled rate cuts in the future.



23) Newsweak finally woke up: “$113 billion in Modern Arms Hardly Dented Russian Lines.”

24) Also, from Gateway Pundit, Poland will no longer arm the Ukes. Yikes!

25) The Ukes’ transoid spokes-it was suspended for making unapproved statements.

26) One of my fave libs, Noah Smith, says the Huns need to stop messing around, that their economy sucks, in part because the Germans trust their gubment too much.

27) A watershed in Egypt as the gubment banned the hijab and niqab (full body/face covering).

28) Venezuelan authorities raided Tocoron prison, which had been under control of a criminal gang for years. They found a zoo, a casino, a nightclub, a pool, and a supermarket.

-Sounds like a place they’d put Hunter Biteme or Ray Fedboy Epps.



29) Faux and News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch is stepping down to let his woke urinal-humping son run the company.

30) Lizzo has been named in another harassment suit.

31) The Joe Jonas-Sophie Turner divorce is turning ugly.

32) Groomer Disney is trying to “quiet the noise” about the culture war and says it will withdraw from culture war controversies.

-Doubt it. Have they fired Kathleen Kennedy or scrapped any of the stupid “Captain Marvel/Marvels” movies?

33) True, but you don’t hear many say this. Lib actor John Cusack said the DemoKKKrat party elites sold out the working class for decades.



34) Naomi Wolf’s interview with Ed Dowd about UK China Virus vax stats has her losing her composure: heart disease up 13% in 2020, 30% in 2022, and even more in 23.

-Not explained by anything other than the vax.

35) And now Peter McCullough reports fatal craniofacial cancer issues five months after the China Virus vax.

36) Pro-vax Jimmy Kimmel tested positive for the China Virus yet again after multiple boosters.

-Odd. I had the CV one time, never got it again, and am 30 years older than Kimmel. Course, I never took the vax.



37) Kraft Heintz unveiled gross pickles, mac & cheese, and hot dog candies for Halloween. Remember when all we had to worry about were razor blades in apples?



  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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