Dark to Light: The IRS Whistleblower Transcripts

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

It's a busy show today, but we moved right through it and actually ended a little early! We started with some funny from Farash and moved on to the Durham hearing. Clips abound as we dissect the only significant things to come from it. Then, a bit of culture with Ms. Riley Gaines, and off to the Biden IRS Whistleblower scandal that (should) be bigger than Watergate but isn't...At least not yet. Have a fantastic weekend, and share the show with your friends!

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The Highwire broaches Hotez:

Farash on Fire:

Durham and his own of Schiff:

Gaetz did it right:

Audio of the teacher scolding the kid

Cruz on Women's Sports:

Short thread on the Biden nonsense-- more to come:



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