Dark to Light: Legal Eagle! Flynn, Missouri v. Biden, and MORE NEWS!

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

We have a busy one today with a ton of updates and information and legal talk and all of the things! It's a roundup of the Motion to Change Venue in the General Flynn case, followed by an update in Missouri v. Biden, followed by Nurse Penny and how she has impacted all of us. To see her amazing story talking about her NDE, check the links below.

It was a wild one, so share it with your friends, and make sure to check the links in the description!

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Links We Discussed:

Flynn v U.S.:


Update on Forsyth:


Missouri v. Biden:

Tucker Says, "Epstein didn't kill himself":

Nurse Penny Wittbrodt:

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