Dark to Light: Pre-Midterm Podcast

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

It's a pre-midterm election podcast, and we discuss the DeSantis/Trump rivalry, how to keep conservative values in conservatism, the state of the races across the country, and which state they are most likely to steal today. Today is all talk and no snippets as we wade through the election pool. Make sure to tune in, and don't forget to come back for our Wednesday show where we discuss what happened on Tuesday.

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or you can listen and Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple PodcastsStitcherTuneIn RadioGoogle Play, the iHeartRadio app, and now on Spotify! Or you can watch it on Rumble, above.


Kari Lake and white powder: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/massive-hazmat-response-to-kari-lake-campaign-hq-after-white-powder-sent-in-envelopes/

Elon bans Griffin:

What is the left thinking? https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/will-biden-and-the-dems-finally-get-7a7

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