The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow September 28, 2022

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

Once again, folks, I will be hosting "This Week's News" on Brighteon TV, "America Unhinged," Friday at 9:00 EST.



1) Congressman Matt Gaetz says that establishment RINO spooges (but I repeat myself) plan to block any impeachment of Rutabaga.

2) Republican Doug Mastriano has pulled into a dead heat with DemoKKKrat Josh Shapiro in the Pennsylvania governor’s race.

3) Likewise, the Wizard of Oz is just a couple behind Fetterman Massacre, the Human Ox in the senate race.

4) The vile stench that is rampant criminality against all decent citizens in America continues as an 84-year-old woman was shot handing out pro-life literature in Michigan.

5) The raid on a pro-life family by the FascistBI was based on a charge already dismissed.

This cabal is thoroughly evil and must be institutionally disestablished. Revoke its entire charter, and scatter its ashes to the winds.[/embed]

6) The Demented Pervert is trying to get rid of all independent “contract workers,” who are all many companies can afford to hire any more.

7) Margot Cleveland correctly analyzes John Sloth Durham’s “protect-the-establishment” approach to so-called “investigation.”

8) Jeez, when the Wall Street Journal gets it, you know the ideas are becoming pretty accepted: “Democracy” is viewed by the elites as only for them.

9) From the Communist News Network (CNN) no less; “Once nicknamed ‘Murderopolis,’ the city that became the center of ‘Defund the Police’” is grappling with higher violent crime.

-Shocked. I mean, who woulda thunk it?

10) An attempt by the teacher’s unions to stop Arizona’s Universal ESA law (that gives $ to parents to send their kids to ANY school of their choice) has been defeated by failing to gather enough signatures to get on the ballot.

11) Tranquil and somnambulant village of Benghazi-by-the-Lake, there were only 38 shot and seven killed over the weekend.

12) Nearly 50 Kollyfornia police officers in Alameda County were confined to desk duty after officials said their psych evaluation scores were too low to continue working in jails.

-Any of them look like this guy?



13) The national home price market has “cooled,” with 12 of 20 areas experiencing negative growth from June to July. People have been using their escalating home values as piggy banks, and this is ending.

14) Sales in “BeyondMeat” plummeted as Americans barf at this woke food brand.

15) And in a related story, vegans and vegetarians are depressed twice as often as meat eaters, according to a new study.

-When you ain’t got that BBQ swing, ya ain’t got a thing.

16) Morgan Stanley warns of something worse than a “normal recession.”

-Yeah duh. With Rutabaga running things, he’ll make Herbert Hoover look like Milton Friedman.

17) In New Kabul (NYC), the central business district is seeing little recovery in its residency rates, becoming a multi-billion problem for owners.

18) James Rogan says the federal deficit is now out of control.

-“Now?” Where the hell has this guy been for 20 years?



19) CO2 has almost no effect on global temps says a leading climate scientist.

-No crap. Maybe that gigantic nuke reactor called the sun, with its sunspots and solar flares, has just a little teeny something to do with it?

20) The Nord Stream pipeline from Russia has been hit by suspicious leaks in possible sabotage. Euros blame Russia. Maybe look at EU warmongers or greenweenies who have the most to gain. (Russia can just flip a switch and shut off the flow).

21) In England, Labour is looking to abolish the House of Lords.

22) A search of search engine censorship found that the one with the LEAST censorship was . . .

-Yandex, the Russkie search engine.

23) Definitely not good. Tunisians struggle for handfuls of sugar. Don’t think this can’t happen here, and eventually, it will be turned on the ruling class.



24) Brooklyn Nets’ star Kyrie Irving gave up a 3-year, $100 million contract extension to be unvaxxed. Smart man. Money cannot buy you health.

25) Ewww. Cankles sought to appear on Tim Allen’s show “Home Improvement” to become more “likable.”

Dear Cankles: The show ain’t called “Criminal Improvement.”

26) The new D.C. movie, “Black Adam” with the Rock, has domestic projections that are not good: $175 million total domestic (vs. “Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness” [$187 million open] or “Thor: Love and Thunder” [$147 million open].

27) Rutabaga is now trying to get the Atlanta Braves baseball team to change their name.

Let me suggest Atlanta Cowards.



28) Trace amounts of the China Virus vax mRNAs were found in the breast milk of women, causing the Journal of the American Medical Association to suggest “caution is warranted” regarding breastfeeding after the China Virus vax.”

-Oh really? Maybe caution is warranted for ever using the poison.

29) So the pandemic is over according to Biteme. No, it’s not according to his mandates. Oh, it is, says the CDC, which no longer recommends universal masking in health facilities.


And finally...

30) A U.S. Navy engineer and his wife plotted to sell nuke sub secrets to Brazil and now face life in prison after entering guilty pleas.

-Wait, go back a minute. Brazil? They have a navy? I mean, you didn’t even try Disney World first? At least they have a sub-fleet.



  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Filmmaker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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