Borelli: Arizona Audit Will Be Completed, Does Not Stop At Sine Die

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

An interview with Senator Borelli on Friday quells concerns about the legislature's ability to complete the Arizona forensic audit as high-speed machines are brought in by the state Senate to begin to triple-check the ballot count on Tuesday for the Arizona audit. Gateway Pundit's Jordan Conradson interviewed Borelli on Friday, clarifying confusion over what still needs to be done and why the legislature's adjournment, Sine Die, will not interfere with the audit process.

Conradson asked Borelli whether the Senate adjournment will preclude the Senate's ability to obtain the missing routers and passwords for a forensic inspection of the voting equipment to complete the audit. Borrelli replied:

"Sure, I mean it goes right back down to here’s the facts we were not in session when we issued subpoenas back in December, and then we renewed them in January, so those subpoenas are are still valid, they’re still active. We don’t need to be in session. Our legislative authority on investigations do not end at Sine Die. We open this folder or case for if you will if you want to call it that. Back in December. That’s when we issued a subpoena through the Senate Judiciary Committee. Once the audit is completed, that information is going to come back to the Senate Judiciary Committee for review and for action. And if action needs to be done, it will be referred to the showing House and Senate election integrity committee that was established in the budget process, orally, to start a new type of committee like a standing committee or anything like that."

"Once we get the audit results, the Senate Committee will hear it, the Judiciary Committee will hear, and we will make recommendations to go forward on that. And then that special committee will make recommendations. And the reason why it’s a joint House and Senate committee hearing because any kind of decisions that need to be made that is going to be extreme if you will, is going to have to be vetted through the full body of the House and the Senate. So this is fast, it’s a great way to fast track anything if, just in case the governor needs to do, does need to call us in for a special session, that committee is what will determine the urgency of having a special session. The governor does not need to call us in to follow through and finish up the audit, we are fully vetted to do the whole thing. We don’t need the governor to intervene, to call us in, or anything like that. This is in play, whether we’re in session or not, the legislature’s investigative authority does not stop at Sine Die, so it’s going to continue until the end, period."

During the same interview, Borelli discussed his dismay with the Secretary of State(SoS) and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS), saying that the audit would have been done "a long time ago." The audit has been slowed because of their failure to cooperate with the subpoenas for "routers, passwords and hardware tokens" and because Cyber Ninjas was barred from performing the audit at the election center.

Borelli and his colleagues continue to "push" the SoS and MCBOS to comply with the subpoenas for routers and equipment access. However, he stated that "they keep saying they're not going to comply, no matter what."

As for the completion of the audit, Borelli explained:

"Once everything is done with the report, and they’ll present it to President Fann, you know a preliminary report to President Fann because we still need the routers, you still need the passwords, and we need those hardware tokens that they’re withholding and they’re hiding from us. Because remember, they went on the record that they ran the election, so they ran all the machines, they said that in the Senate committee hearing back on December 14. They ran the machines; the County employees ran everything. Dominion people did not touch the machines. They were there for tech support. If you ran the elections, how come you don’t have the codes, passwords, and hardware tokens? Because that activates the machines. See, so once again, we’re finding more spin and lies."

Borelli also mentioned the battles over election integrity measures he and his colleagues have been waging with the Democrats, including the introduction of watermarked ballots.

"Not one Democrat supported them; they all fought against it, so matter of fact, I ran the amendment in the budget process to have that put in the budget because it’s money tied to it, and the Democrats voted no on it in committee the whole, and then they call for a roll call vote to strip it from the budget so once again, obviously the Democrats, they don’t want free and [fair] elections and they’re okay with counterfeit ballots. The proof is in the pudding. But the mainstream media is going to cover for them, as usual, not tell anybody the truth, and that’s amazing. And by the way, the cost of that ballot is less than the price of a postage stamp, talking from printing products, right to the voter that ballot is always going to cost about 25 cents. That’s it. And to make sure that your ballot can’t be counterfeit, I think is priceless."

The Century Foundation/Timeline of Arizona Audits

The EpochTimes reports, "The machines, which arrived on July 9, appear to be from U.S. Paper Counters. The machines are said to be able to count up to 2,000 sheets per minute. According to Senate liaison Ken Bennett, this count provides a "third number to tie everything together" to give the Senate another data point.

Also, reporting by the Epoch Times indicates that "the ballots and 385 tabulators used by the county to count the votes were shifted to the Wesley Bolin Building, a smaller 19,344-square-foot facility that fairground officials recommended against using during the summer due to high temperatures."

In an interview with Victory News, Mark Finchem explained, “This has got to be complete and accurate. It's gotta be double-checked. It's gotta be verified… There are going to be people that are going to attack this viciously."

Notably, the Cyber Ninja's forensic audit in Arizona has followed the painstaking methodology put forward by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. The audit has been dubbed "best in class" by anyone who has had the privilege of visiting the floor of the coliseum. According to the Gateway Pundit (TGP):

"The audit in Maricopa County encompasses more than 60% of the votes in Arizona. If there is fraud in Arizona, it is very likely it will be found in this audit."

The difference between the forensic audit and the "sampled" November 4 audit is that Cyber Ninjas has ensured all ballots have been counted—and have been counted by independent observers.

Per AZ Republican Senator Wendy Rogers' on her Telegram account, reporting by AZCentral aims to "prepare the public for different counts." She says the "Propaganda Press" will contend that the county's audit was accurate. However, she also points out information the press may not mention:

Propaganda Press: “White [White and Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer science and engineering professor who specializes in election security] said that the county's count should be trusted. He has helped audit elections in Arizona and other states for more than a decade and has spent the past month conducting his own analysis of the county's 2020 election using election data, including the record of votes cast. 

His team's analysis verified in a few ways that it was accurate, he said. One way was by comparing the county's ballot count to the voter registration data to see the number of voters who voted. That matched up almost perfectly, he said…

Another way his team verified the county's ballot count, he said, was by examining the summary reports that county election workers fill out as they tabulate ballots and comparing those to the official results by batch and box. Those numbers all matched, he said.

Of course, White’s biased “analysis” does not factor in ghost voters—illegal ballots from registered voters who moved to another state, did not actually vote, voted but the vote was not counted correctly, did not realize they were registered, do not exist, who are deceased, etc. Phantom voting is aided by inflated registration rolls. Coincidentally, Maricopa County’s registration database was hacked on 11/3.

Maricopa County Recorder letter/Hacked

White’s examination also does not take into account any possible tampering by the County after the election. Instead of transferring the ballots to the County Treasurer as mandated by statute 16-626(A), the County illegally held the ballots for 5.5 months after the election. Observers found shredded 2020 ballots in the trash outside the MCTEC storage warehouse, and the audit team found ballot bags with seals broken."

Senate President Karen Fann

Senate President Karen Fann was a guest on the Mike Broomhead show on Tuesday, and she told the radio host that "they haven't released a number yet if you will; however, we do know that those numbers do not match with Maricopa County at this point."  She also explained the rationale behind the triple check of the ballots.


Fann reiterated that the audit is:

"The first of its kind, and despite all of its hurdles, Maricopa County has not cooperated at all. They still haven't turned over things they were supposed to in the subpoena. They have done everything in their power to try and stop this. Then we have, of course, Katie Hobbs, Adrian Fontes, the Democrat party that has done everything in their ability to try and stop us, taking us to court, suing us over things. It's been a difficult challenge, but we are persevering on this."

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