W.I.M.P.: The Wisconsin Electoral Votes Were Stolen, too

A previous article summarized an important study by retired DoD analyst Ray Blehar that concluded that there was a high probability of systematic vote-shifting (theft) of Write-In and Minority Party (WIMP) votes in Pennsylvania in favor of Joe Biden during the ballot adjudication process. Several of the key findings in Pennsylvania included the following:

  • Biden’s margin of victory could have only been obtained through adjudication manipulation
  • Only 453 write-in votes were received by mail-in ballot (an improbably low number given past elections); the likely tens of thousands of write-in ballots were adjudicated improperly
  • The Libertarian candidate for president received ~20K votes fewer than down-ballot Libertarian candidates; the Green Party presidential candidate received ~34K fewer votes than down-ballot Green candidates (both improbabilities indicate vote shifting took place)
  • Vote switching analysis determined that ~64K absentee ballot votes were taken from Trump and switched to Biden through the adjudication process; ~80K election day votes were also switched from Trump to Biden
  • The total adjudication manipulation resulted in Biden winning by ~80,500 votes, but in reality, President Trump actually won Pennsylvania by over 186,000 votes

Blehar has also completed an analysis of Wisconsin’s WIMP vote and found a similar pattern with an interesting wrinkle: there were no WIMP votes tabulated during the infamous early morning ballot spike on 4 November. What follows is a summary of Blehar’s analysis and conclusions.

First of all, the total number of WIMP votes cast in Wisconsin declined by 132,307 votes from 2016 to 2020. This is an immediate red flag, just as was the ~294K decrease in WIMP votes in Pennsylvania. However, down-ballot data was not available for Wisconsin, so Blehar analyzed times series data and historical election data in Wisconsin from Edison Research's National Election Polling (NEP) data, which is used by all major media for continuous election updates reported by the states.

As the table below shows, the Edison computations in Wisconsin very closely matched the official results with the exception of write-in ballots. Blehar’s Edison computations determined that there should have been about 45,000 more write-in ballots in 2020 due to a higher voter turnout from 2016. Those “missing” ~37K write-in votes are more than Biden’s victory in Wisconsin!

Additionally, the 2020 Green Party presidential candidate received only 1,089 write-in votes compared to the 31,072 votes received by the 2016 Green Party candidate. This indicates a high probability that approximately 30,000 write-in votes were shifted from the Green Party candidate through the adjudication process.

Note: the adjudication process is supposed to be a manual determination by election workers of the “intent of the voter” for ballots cast that automatic ballot marking devices cannot accurately count, e.g., write-in ballots, double-marked ballots, misaligned ballots, etc. Adjudication can easily be corrupted by dishonest election workers or by a systemic issue, such as vote shifting malware. Blehar believes the latter is more likely given the scale of the problem and the patterns of the shifts.

Vote shifting observed in the Edison data essentially stopped right after a large dump of votes at 3:42 AM EST. Prior to that time, Biden had gained approximately 12,000 votes through the adjudication process while Trump had gained approximately 17,000 votes. Similar shift patterns were observed in Georgia and Pennsylvania, where votes were somewhat evenly split up until around 3 AM – then shifting went heavily in Biden’s direction.

Two dumps at 3:42 and slightly after resulted in Biden overcoming Trump’s nearly 110,000 vote lead, as shown in the below figure:

There should have been at least 10,000 WIMP votes in those dumps based on historical patterns, but in reality, there were none counted. That is a statistical anomaly and red flag.

An examination of two key heavily Democrat counties also shows the absence of WIMP votes. The following chart shows the comparison of 2016 to 2020 voting in Milwaukee County, which shows that Bidens’ margin of victory in the county was nearly identical to the “missing” WIMP votes (almost certainly vote shifting through improper adjudication).

The Dane County results showing the comparison of 2016 to 2020 voting is provided below:

The total missing (improperly adjudicated) WIMP ballots in Dane and Milwaukee counties is approximately 33,000 votes, with the rest of the missing 132K WIMP votes scattered in other counties across the state. Given the increased voter turnout in Wisconsin in 2020, it is HIGHLY improbable that there were thousands of fewer WIMP votes in these two counties in 2020 than in 2016. Where did those votes go?

Conclusion: The “missing” WIMP votes that were adjudicated to Biden almost certainly provided his ~20K margin of victory in the state of Wisconsin. That makes two states that were stolen from President Trump. Stay tuned.


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