Million MAGA March, President Pops by, Supporters Attacked, Yet, American Spirit Prevails

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Millions march for Trump

Loyalty is a two-way street for the President and his supporters. On a bright November morning, Saturday, Washington DC was adorned in red, white and blue, for the “million MAGA march.” Supporters walked from Freedom Plaza, just east of the White House, towards the Supreme Court. Appreciating and illustrating that they mean as much to him as he does to them, President Trump’s motorcade drove past, he waved and signaled a thumbs-up.

Supporters were unconvinced by the mainstream media’s projected election results. They held signs that read, “Stop the fraud,” “Best Prez Ever,” “Four More Years,” and sang the national anthem in unison. They represented a diversity of backgrounds, LGBTQ for Trump, Farmers for Trump, Romanians for Trump, Slavs for Trump, black voices for Trump, and women for Trump. Tracy Beanz, Editor-In-Chief of UncoverDC, spoke at the start of the march, hammering home that independent investigative journalism is the future and calling for election integrity.

The President thanked supporters via Twitter; he said, “Heartwarming to see all of the tremendous support out there, especially the organic Rallies that are springing up all over the Country, including a big one on Saturday in D.C. I may even try to stop by and say hello. This Election was Rigged, from Dominion all the way up & down!

Antifa and Black Lives Matter-marked groups assault Trump supporters

Throughout the day, Black Life Matters-Antifa counter-protesters, dressed in riot gear, marched through DC with signs displaying the anarchy symbol that and some that said: “punch MAGA in the face.” There were several confrontations, but violence mostly occurred in the evening, when the MAGA March was finishing up, and Trump supporters began going home. One incident saw BLM and Antifa grabbing an American flag from a woman trying to leave the march. After stealing her the flag, BLM-Antifa rioters broke it and sharpened the stick to make a spear. In another, a MAGA march woman was struck in the head from behind. They also attacked a family with three children as they tried to leave downtown DC. 

As night began to fall, clashes became more serious

President Trump wrote on Twitter: “Radical Left ANTIFA SCUM was easily rebuffed today by the big D.C. MAGA Rally crowd, only to return at night, after 99% of the crowd had left, to assault elderly people and families. Police got there, but late. Mayor is not doing her job!” 

BLM-Antifa assaulted an elderly Trump supporter by shoving him off his bike and throwing liquid all over him. As the man got up to leave, the BLM-Antifa rioters continued harassing himthrowing more liquid on him, swearing, and chanting “black lives matter.” “You better run,” one rioter yelled as he left. BLM-Antifa rioters then attacked people eating near Black Lives Matter Plaza in DC, propelling explosives at restaurant-goers dining outside. 

MAGA marchers did fight back against BLM and Antifa provocations. The President supported their right to self-defense when the counter-force(police) were not sufficient by tweeting: “ANTIFA SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back. Antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent #MAGA People. DC Police, get going — do your job and don’t hold back!!! 

Videos emerge of assaults

“The D.C. police failed me today,” exclaimed a conservative attorney who was forced to walk through a barricade of BLM/Antifa protesters after police blocked the shortest pathway to his hotel. “I have always been a huge supporter of the police, but it almost felt like it was a setup, to be honest.”

A video tweeted by Jorge Ventura, a reporter for the Daily Caller, showed the man, Christopher Horne, and his two friends, coming towards a line of D.C. Metro police officers blocking people from entering BLM Plaza near the White House. The men urged the police to let them through so they could take the shortest route to their hotel since BLM protesters had been harassing them earlier, Christopher said in a tweet.

Police refused, and Christopher responded to Jorge’s tweeted video, saying, “I’m the guy in your video that is seen pleading with the police to go to my hotel, the Hay-Adams, which was literally less than half a block from that corner.” Instead, they directed them into what Christopher called the Black Lives Matter mob.

After turning away from the police line, Christopher is confronted by a guy on a bike wearing black bloc. Others start bumping him as he attempts to walk through the BLM protesters. The three then cross the street when a woman with an orange hood tries to take the rolled-up Trump flag Christopher is carrying. She didn’t get it but then does a circle to punch Christopher from behind. “What’s the matter with you people,” Christopher yelled as two other men black bloc try to block them.  

One of them punches Christopher, another person steps in, telling the mob to let them pass, but the woman in the orange hood keeps pursuing them until she gets involved in another altercation. She is seen assaulting various others, interjecting herself, until another man is punched and knocked to the ground. She then takes off running with her friend, who appeared to steal his cell phone. As people help those getting injured, a police officer is finally seen in the video calling for back-up.

Reaction to the police

“Why are you guys letting this happen?” someone asks the police officer. 

Christopher said via Twitter, “My disappointment in the police and in America in general outweighs the punches and liquid being thrown on me several times.” When he reported the attack, the police disputed his claims, so he used Jorge’s video as evidence

Another journalist on the scene, Kalen D’Almeida, said police arrested five people in relation to the man who was knocked down, including the woman wearing the orange hood and her friend. Tracy at UncoverDCcommended the volunteers at @1st_praetorian for their life-saving efforts. She said, “They protected us yesterday during the March. These are absolute heroes.As the day came to an end, Antifa and BLM demolished several pop-up MAGA merchandise shops. Another video shows rioters setting a bundle of Trump hats ablaze.

Trump supporters gathered in front of the Willard Hotel to sing the national anthem, while others waved Trump “law and order” flags outside the Trump Hotel.

Where’s the Mayor?

Washington D.C. mayor Murial Bowser did not comment on the violence in her city. Before the march, she tweeted: “Washington, DC is a city that proudly upholds the values of love, inclusivity, and diversity. We will always support each other against any forces of ignorance and bigotry that seek to divide us. Regardless of who comes into our community this weekend.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich emphasized that the mayor should get control of her streets. He said, “no one has to tolerate this. Look at Portland where this I think it’s going on 150 days now. And by the way, nobody on the hard left is going to be nice because Biden is president.” He said it was troubling to think that in America, “I could have somebody break into a restaurant or attack me on the street.” He added, “this is a is a real threat to America as a country.

Carol King received a first class BA (honors) in History and Politics from Stirling University, along with an exceptional commendation for a study on US public opinion and Foreign Policy. She also completed a year of study at University of London before taking up a Graduate Proctor Fellowship at Princeton University. She further completed a MPhil in American Politics at Dundee University. Aspiring to be a writer/commentator on American politics, she now writes for UncoverDC.

Twitter: @CarolKing561

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