Talking heads in network and cable news as well as editors at major newspapers are saying no evidence of voter fraud exists. Daniel thinks they're blind. Okay, not really. But he does think they are complicit with the Deep State's effort to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
In today's show Daniel covers just a few of the many evidences of voter fraud, and how they're enough to flip states back to Trump.
Also, Daniel opens by taking a jab at Joe Biden and the Democrats for marketing Joe under "The Office of President-Elect." No such office exists!
Links to items mentioned in this podcast:
Epoch Times - More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows
Elizabeth Harrington's tweet with confessions of Detroit poll watcher
Giuliani says Team Trump is filing lawsuits targeting voter fraud
Videos posted by @TrumpRulzz on Twitter of Rudy Giuliani exposing enough fraud in Michigan to flip the state back to Trump.
Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI
Brian Cates' article - The Corporate Media Has Become a Cancer That Must Be Destroyed
Jon Meacham didn't disclose he wrote Biden's speech
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