Decision 2020: Some are Choosing While Others are Cheating

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Op-Ed by Daniel Bobinski

In what will genuinely be the most important election in American history, some voters are choosing while others are cheating. Why do I say that? Because despite what we’re told – that mail-in voting is secure – the facts tell us otherwise: mail-in voting is wide open for fraud.

Not only do we already have plenty of evidence that mail-in voter fraud exists, election laws were changed in some states that will actually invite it. And I expect we’ll see a lot of it.

Democrats know they’re going to lose

Yes, the polls show former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of President Trump, but when Trump regularly draws more than 10,000 people to his rallies while Biden has a difficult time drawing 100, Democrats know they are going to lose.

When Democrats see Trump “parades” that are 30 miles long and Biden parades that can’t draw more than 30 people, Democrats know they are going to lose.

When Barack Obama drew more than 75,000 hopeful Leftists to Invesco Field in Denver in 2008 but only 75 people stood outside a community center to catch a glimpse of Biden last week before he spoke to about two dozen people at a community center in Florida, Democrats know they are going to lose.

Interestingly, Facebook doesn't like us comparing the size of Trump rallies and Biden rallies. Their "fact checkers” tell us that any comparisons of crowd sizes as an indicator of voter sentiment are “missing context.” They insist Biden is purposefully holding smaller gatherings to limit the spread of Covid-19.

Poppycock. They know they’re going to lose.

Democrat voters have been given no reason to vote Democrat

Voting for Biden just to remove Trump from office is not a strategy. Why? Because despite the gas-lighting, people remember that before Covid, things were pretty good under Trump.  And, people don’t want what Biden is selling.

Americans don’t want their taxes raised. Biden has promised to do away with Trump’s tax cuts. Practically everyone in America benefited from Trump’s tax cuts, and even an op-ed at Bloomberg says that Biden’s tax plan will ruin the economy.

Americans don’t want to be regulated out of their jobs. Biden has promised to ban coal and fracking, which doesn’t thrill blue collar workers, especially in places like Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Wyoming. But even if Biden doesn’t ban fossil fuels outright, word is out that he will regulate it to death. Obama did that and it killed many jobs. Trump reversed many of Obama’s restrictions, and many voters don’t want those regulations to return.

Americans don’t want LGBTQWERTY everywhere they look. At every turn, intersectionality has become an overarching theme the Left is forcing onto Main Street. What they don’t realize is that most Americans don’t want students being punished for using “incorrect” pronouns, tax dollars being used for drag queen story hour at libraries, or boys getting access to girls’ locker rooms in high school. They also prefer the science that says people with “XY” chromosomes are male and those with “XX” chromosomes are female.

These are just a few of many things Americans don’t want, but know they’ll get if a Democrat gets elected to the White House.

Saving face and attempting to steal the election

Okay. Democrats know the electorate isn’t buying what they’re selling, and they know they’re going to lose the election. But they need to save face. Enter Nancy Pelosi’s pitch to “vote at home.”

Since Nancy Pelosi does nothing unless it’s to her advantage, I’m convinced she pushed for states to use the easily manipulated vote-by-mail method, because even if some of the Left’s cheating efforts were uncovered, some would go unnoticed – and their loss will not be as bad. And if they can scheme properly, they might be able to destabilize the Electoral College.

Yes, vote-by-mail was pushed by Nancy Pelosi. On April 1, just a few weeks after the lock-down started, Newsweek reported that Nancy Pelosi wanted $2 Billion for a vote-by-mail program. The article said, “Democrats are pushing for billions of federal dollars” because “more than 150 mostly left-leaning activist organizations, such as Stand Up America, have urged congressional leaders to appropriate the large sum of money.”

Now why would “mostly left-leaning activist organizations” be the ones pushing for vote-by-mail?

Wouldn’t you know, on May 21, Fox News reported that “Pelosi touts $3.6 B vote-by-mail bill.”

Twitter, ever supportive of the Biden campaign, regularly posts statements saying, “Election experts confirm that voting by mail is safe and secure, even with an increase in mail-in ballots. Even so, you might encounter unconfirmed claims that voting by mail leads to election fraud ahead of the 2020 US elections.”

Twitter doesn’t identify these “election experts” but if they exist, I wonder what they might say about confirmed stories such as:

New York Post: Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
In the article, the fraudster says, “[F]raud is more the rule than the exception.”

ABC News: Texas official and 3 others indicted on 134 felonies in mail-in ballot fraud case
In the article we read about a vote harvesting scheme in which young voters fraudulently cast ballots to swing a race in favor of a county commissioner.

RealClearPolitics: 28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections
In the article we read that between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for.

Inside Sources: Mail-In Ballots Make Voter Fraud Easy. I Know Because I Did It
In the article, a Florida resident explains how she created fake people and registered them to vote by mail.

The New Yorker: The Tearful Drama of North Carolina’s Election-Fraud Hearings
In the article we learn about a “coordinated, unlawful, and substantially resourced absentee ballot scheme” that altered the outcome of an election.

Detroit News: Southfield city clerk charged with 6 felonies tied to November election
In the article we learn about a city clerk who made “unauthorized and inaccurate” changes to absentee ballots.

Do these stories look like “unconfirmed claims?” These articles are but a small sampling of proof that fraud is associated with mail-in ballots. Why would Twitter and Facebook lie to the people who use their platforms?

Here are just a few stories from this past weekend:

Oct 31: Undelivered mail-in, absentee ballots found at Miami-Dade USPS facility
In the article we learn the Miami-Dade County State’s Attorney requested a ballot audit after piles of mail, including mail-in and absentee ballots, were found at a USPS facility.

Oct 31: Caught on Tape: Houston poll judge admits to illegally casting a vote for a voter
In the article we learn a precinct polling judge in Houston admitted to other election officials that he knowingly broke the law by casting a vote for a voter – and had been previously investigated for doing the same thing in the past.

Oct 31: Hundreds of thousands of questionable ballots sent to 'voters' in California -- they may be cast and turned in by ballot harvesters
In the article we learn that more than 277,000 questionable ballots were mailed out – many duplicates to the same person and many to people who are known to be deceased. This in a state that allows unrestricted ballot harvesting, “with no requirement that there be a traceable line of custody between the ‘voter’ who cast the ballot and the ‘harvester’ who turned in the ballot.”

Ballot harvesting and extended submission deadlines

Not only are some states allowing ballot harvesting as described above, where people can collect ballots from voters to take them to a ballot box, but some states are allowing people other than the voter to complete a ballot.

Sharon Angle, a former state representative in Nevada and one-time challenger to Senator Harry Reid, states that in Nevada, anyone over 65 can have someone else fill out their ballot, and signatures do not need to match. She reported that as soon as ballots started getting mailed out, people were canvassing retirement homes and collecting ballots, telling people they would take care of submitting their ballots for them. As one might imagine, some older voters who were confused by the new voting procedures willingly gave up their ballots.

In Minnesota, a Project Veritas undercover video revealed hundreds of ballots being collected illegally for the 2020 election.

As if that didn’t create enough opportunity for fraud, some states have extended the deadline for accepting mail-in ballots. As reported in Newsweek, deadlines vary, but 16 states plus Washington D.C. will still accept ballots even if they arrive after November 3rd.

California will accept ballots until November 20th, so long as the ballots are postmarked on or before Election Day. Amazingly, Washington doesn’t even have a deadline. All ballots in Washington will be counted, no matter when they arrive, so long as they are postmarked on or before Election Day.

Can you just imagine several thousand ballots magically getting discovered in Seattle the day after the electoral college meets on December 14th?

Some are choosing; others will be cheating

My assertion about voter fraud occurring is not a conjecture. We already have evidence of it. Of course, we should expect to hear the “plausible deniability” defense. And Jack Dorsey’s team at Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg’s team at Facebook will dutifully state all voter fraud is “unsubstantiated claims.” And so will the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, more commonly known as Traditional Media Outlets.

In the end, Trump will get a second term, but I believe we’ll see plenty of cheating from Democrats and their Marxists allies. And because of their padded votes, even after they lose, they’ll believe it gives them the right to cry, “Trump stole the election” and “Trump pulled off a coup” and “Trump is an illegitimate President” for four more years.

None of that will be true, but that’s what they’ll say.

Because they know they’re going to lose.

Because they offer no reason to vote for them other than a Marxist ideology.

It’s all they’ve got.

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Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is a certified behavioral analyst, best-selling author, corporate trainer, executive coach, and columnist. He’s also a veteran and a self-described Christian Libertarian who believes in the principles of free market capitalism – while standing firmly against crony capitalism.

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