Facebook is lying – and people are dying

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

By Daniel Bobinski

In the 1930’s, a skillful propagandist named Paul Joseph Goebbels was able to exercise great control over the news in Germany. Using radio – a new media at the time – and film, Goebbels influenced the country’s opinions on antisemitism, churches, and even the arts. One of his most useful techniques was censoring any message that didn’t agree with the Nazi Party’s objectives.

In 2020, the new media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are similarly influencing the world’s opinion on matters of antisemitism, the church, the arts, and even healthcare. And, like Goebbels, one of their most useful techniques is censoring any message that doesn’t agree with their common objectives.

If you’ve been tracking the news at all over the past five months, you know there’s a group of people downplaying every treatment that emerges for treating Covid-19, saying instead that the infection can be cured only with a vaccine. I personally refer to this group as the global medical establishment, but let’s call it GME for short. Generally speaking, the GME consists of organizations and agencies that wield great influence over public health information. Think Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Think the National Institutes for Health (NIH). Think the World Health Organization (W.H.O.). Think the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And we can’t leave out companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Merck, and Novartis, collectively (and not-so-affectionately) referred to as “Big Pharma.”

For those that don’t know, my 30 years of experience as a management / leadership coach kicks in whenever I look at an organization’s leadership: “What’s their motivation?” is a fundamental question. Why do I bring that up? You should know that the World Economic Forum has partnered with GME organizations in response to the coronavirus outbreak. To start connecting dots and understanding motivations, check out the World Economic Forum’s one hour and 20 minute movie about The Great Reset. I’ll give you a hint – there’s not a lot of selfless altruism.

You should also know that Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are giving GME organizations the final word in all things medical, and no second opinions are allowed. As proof of this, consider YouTube’s CEO Susan Wojcicki saying this past April that any content on YouTube that goes “against the World Heath Organization recommendations” will be removed.

WebMD says you should get a second opinion whenever a treatment is experimental or there is no established consensus on a treatment, but the tech giants aren’t letting you have that. Especially if it has anything having to do with Covid-19. Their organization’s leaders don’t like President Trump (remember that motivation thing), so they can’t allow any hope, and they certainly can’t allow any low-cost, easy access treatments for Covid. They need Americans to be devoid of hope. Two things you can observe:

  • An ‘expert,’ Anthony Fauci, is being used to downplay all hope and keep people confused
  • A state of fear is being maintained so they can pin all unease on President Trump

Fauci, you may recall, is famous for countering President Trump on live TV after Trump heard from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who said Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was effective in fighting Covid. Despite a 2005 Virology Journal article published by Fauci’s own NIH (titled “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”), Fauci downplayed HCQ’s effectiveness.

Traditional media outlets friendly to the GME did their best to paint HCQ as dangerous, but both The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine, two highly respected medical journals, had to issue retractions and apologies after the “studies” they published damning HCQ turned out to be erroneous.

The truth about HCQ is finally emerging thanks to the efforts of people like Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale. The author of more that 300 peer reviewed papers, Risch recently announced that HCQ is “highly effective” in treating Covid, and recommended that we “start treating people with HCQ immediately.”

For whatever reason (remember that “motivation” question), Fauci continues to squelch any sense of hope that using HCQ will help fight Covid.

Social media is complicit

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are also squelching any sense of hope. Let me use a personal example to explain.

Earlier this month I wrote a column titled, “A scientific look at the mask fallacy – and why we’re told to wear them.” In this widely read article I cited and linked to research by Dr. Zelenko on the efficacy of his highly effective HCQ / zinc / azithromycin treatment (known as the Zelenko Protocol). I also cited and linked to research on what I call Bartlett’s Nebulizer Protocol, developed by Dr. Richard Bartlett in Texas. His highly effective treatment uses a nebulizer to successfully treat Covid patients using Budesonide and zinc.

I also cited and linked to peer-reviewed research over the past 15 years on all the randomized controlled trials studying mask efficacy for preventing viral transmission.

Spoiler alert in case you haven’t yet read that column: All randomized controlled trials with verifiable results on mask efficacy for preventing the spread of a virus show there is no statistical difference in virus transmission between people who wear masks and people who don’t wear masks.

And yet, despite me citing all the peer-reviewed research and all the papers written by board-certified doctors, Facebook tagged my column with a “false information” warning.

Plain and simple, this is censorship. It’s like Soviet Russia in the 1960’s or the Chinese Communist Party today. They want only one story to be told – no second opinions allowed.

Coincidentally, the same day Facebook tagged my column, a group of medical professionals called America’s Frontline Doctors were broadcasting a press conference in Washington DC. These doctors said:

  • Kids don’t spread the virus to adults
  • HCQ/zinc/azithromycin works to cure Covid
  • HCQ is available over the counter overseas but governments are restricting it in the USA
  • Case numbers are irrelevant because of inaccuracies in testing

Before the social media giants realized this message was getting out, more than 17,000,000 people saw the video. Obviously, the information these doctors presented didn’t align with the GME’s narrative, so Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube began pulling down the video wherever they found it. At the same time, their partners in traditional and left-wing media embarked on a character assassination campaign for everyone involved in America’s Frontline Doctors.

Stella Immanuel, MD, at Capitol Hill press conference. (Photo: youtube)
Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Remove Doctors’ Coronavirus Press Conference

Again, censorship. There can be only one narrative! No second opinions allowed. Not even from Board-Certified doctors.

Bias in social media ‘fact-checkers’

Have you noticed that left-wingers and Marxists rarely get censored? They post lie after lie and fill our feeds with false information, yet the social media giants turn a blind eye.

Conversely, Donald Trump, Jr. was blocked by Twitter for 12 hours for “sharing misinformation on Covid-19.” What information did he share? He linked to the doctors holding their conference in Washington, DC.

I invite readers to review the Project Veritas undercover report and watch Facebook’s “independent” fact checkers state for themselves on undercover camera how their political bias drives their decisions. Also watch the video showing Facebook “fact checkers” bragging about blocking and/or deleting whatever they want because they personally don’t agree with the content.

This should be alarming to every American.

In my opinion, Fauci is lying about HCQ. His own NIH researched it back in 2005, finding zero danger and positive results in treating coronaviruses. And Facebook is lying about my column. I didn’t present false information. I presented different information from what the Global Medical Establishment wants you to believe.

The problem? People are dying because of these lies. But, like Goebbels, Fauci and Facebook don’t really care. They’re too focused on their organization’s objectives.

Goebbels would be proud.

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Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is a certified behavioral analyst, best-selling author, corporate trainer, executive coach, and columnist. He’s also a veteran and a self-described Christian Libertarian who believes in the principles of free market capitalism – while standing firmly against crony capitalism.

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