Ep. 18: Stop a cold or flu from getting a foothold: a natural remedy

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Want a way to stop a cold or flu in its tracks? About 30 years ago, a doctor gave Daniel an easy to way to prevent a cold or flu from getting a foothold. The key to success: You must start the protocol within six hours after your first symptom appears. If you wait longer than that, the bug has a foothold and will need to run its course.

LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this podcast are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

It's probably also required that we say something like, "Do not attempt this treatment until after checking with your physician, your lawyer, your CPA, a couple of astronauts, and your neighbor's cat." That said, what Daniel presents in this show is what's been working for him for the past 30 years.

If this protocol (what Daniel sometimes calls, "the concoction") works for you, please let us know in the comment section.

Also, be sure to give this video a thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications each time Daniel uploads a podcast. (Click "Subscribe, then the bell, then the word, "all.")


What the doctor originally said:

- Garlic: 1 or 2 tablets every 6 - 7 hours for THREE days
- Vitamin C: 2000 mg every 20 mins until loose stools, then 2000 mg every 4 hours for three days
- Vitamin A: 40,000 iu per day for 3 days

Additional Protocol / Concoction ingredients Daniel has added over the years:

- Black Elderberry Syrup (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
- Oil of Oregano (take w/food)
- Colloidal Silver: Drink 1 oz, then spray it into your throat (10 sprays) AND your nose
- Vitamin D: 5,000 - 10,000 UI daily (cuts the likelihood of catching the flu in half)
- Selenium: 200mg (Prevents viruses from mutating while in your body)
- Tea Tree Oil (Use 1 drop in your neti pod with the salts AND 1 oz of Colloidal Silver)

When using a Neti Pot, add a touch of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, 1 oz of Colloidal Silver, and 1 drop of Tea Tree Oil
Use Neti Pot several times per day.


Paper on efficacy of Vitamin D in reducing the likelihood of getting the flu by 50%

How to use a Neti Pot:

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