Dark to Light Podcast: News and Opinion

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

This week, the Dark to Light Podcast brings you a smorgasbord of a show! We start out by talking with the latest #FakeNews headline out of the Miami Herald. Trump is pictured with the FORMER owner of the spa chain where Patriots owner Kraft was arrested and the Herald attempts to make it appear as though Trump and she were guilty of wrongdoing somehow.

Next, we move on to Michael Cohen and his lovely ten hour meeting with Adam Schiff before his testimony in front of the committee and a quick discussion about John Brennan and Robert Mueller wanting to avoid releasing anything damning on the “Ides of March,” and we really dissect the Twitter/Tim Pool/Joe Rogan interview. We talk about the hidden message inside of this interview, and what it means for a truly “free” speech platform moving forward, and is someone controlling Jack?

Finally, things get a bit controversial, as Frank and Beanz share their thoughts on the Resolution put forth by the Democrats, originally meant to “disavow” anti-semetism but turning into a watered down version of a Kindergarten lesson. That isn’t all though. Who is Ilhan Omar and where is her philosophy rooted?

You will want to hear all of this and more on this weeks “Dark to Light” podcast!

Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter and subscribe to her YouTube channel!
Follow Frank on Twitter, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly!

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