The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow May 23, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow —
Commentary by Larry Schweikart


1)  The evil chode-robot Rutabaga has dismissed the ChiCom spying as a “silly balloon.”

2) From Zen Master: a great ruling from the Ninth Circuit reversing a lower court’s invalidation of a law against illegal re-entry. In other words, re-entry is illegal and criminal.

3) And while we’re on the court, the DemoKKKrats fight to expand a “broken and illegitimate” USSC.

-Good luck. If you pass that, President Trump will get to name a whole slew of new MAGA judges.

4) Speaking of illegal, Rutabaga’s DOJ formally shut down any investigation into the Clinton Crime Family Foundation in August 2021. The FascistBI destroyed all evidence.

5) Hysterical leftoids shriek that these top 10 “climate deniers” spread 70% of the “misinformation” on FascistBook/Meta (“Meta” means death in Hebrew).

-Come on, people, get on the stick; we should be spreading more “misinformation” on these toadstool slurpers.

6) Jeffrey (He-didn’t-kill-himself) Epstein tried to blackmail Bill Gates over an affair with a Russkie bridge player.

7) Annnnnd as expected, the transoid news is taking on a life of its own. First, from the store Tar-Gay, it faces backlash for selling products promoting transoid violence, drug use, and satanism.

-What else do you think the sons and daughters of Moloch would promote?

8) Then there is the catfight between the “Queers” and the “homosexuals,” and the transoids are forcing a “dangerous backlash.”

-I would say they merely opened their eyes to the danger of the homosexual movement.

9) Meanwhile, the demonic Rutabaga and his goblin glandsnatchers have introduced a Department of Education change in Title IX that would strip funding from schools that don’t allow transoids to compete against women.

-Told ya this would end women’s sports.

10) Wait, we ain’t done. College librarians have discovered new “transmisic microaggressions.”

-Whatever those are but it has to be the fault of white men.

11) All, as in, er, ALL of New York's Nassau County voters, were identified as DemoKKKrats on their voter IDs. Naaah, DemoKKKrats can’t cheat.

12) Marine vet Daniel Penny’s GiveSendGo legal defense fund is the site’s second-largest campaign ever.

13) Kollyfornia statewide has become the latest example of the “broken window” syndrome and is now the “encampment state.”

-It will get much worse. Know how I know? Cuz Newsom just declared it a “top priority.”

14) The Ron DeSantis presidential campaign has teased a Wednesday campaign announcement.

-He better act fast. He is the only candidate in recorded history to drop double digits before he can announce.

15) A brawl at a Contra Costa fair has led to a chaperone policy.

-Malls in Dayton in the 1990s adopted an MB18 policy (“Must Be 18") after 6:00, which was referred to lovingly as “MBW” (“Must Be White”).

16) Has Murdoch turned on DeSantis? A Faux News panel torched him, saying, “Everything about FL that you love, DeSantis inherited.

17) Well, this is embarrassing. A 2017 flashback in which Dan Abrams mocked lawyer Robert Barnes for alleging FISA corruption. Oops.

18) Kinshasa-on-the-Delaware (Philly), disappointed in being #2, has launched a campaign to catch Benghazi-by-the-Lake: at least 22 were shot over the weekend.

19) Montana became the fourth state to define sex as either male or female.



20) A Bud Light distributor has sent out a public plea to bring back customers.

21) Demonic Rutabaga has announced a historic plan to reduce the western states’ water supply.

-Of course, in the name of “conservation.” Teddy Roosevelt would beat this guy senseless. Oh, wait, too late!

22) Here come the default horror stories. Hey, ya never know til ya try.



23) Facebook/Meta (“Meta” means “death” in Hebrew) was fined an unprecedented $1.3 billion by the EU for sending collected data to the U.S.

24) A little good news. From Noah Smith, “Decoupling [from Chy-na] is “just going to happen.” (Investment decoupling already started).

25) A Croatian MP likened the WHO (no, not Pete Townsend) to a Columbian Drug Cartel.

-Yeah, but without the imagination.

26) Two climbers died on Mount Everest, bringing this season’s climbing death toll to seven.

27) The Ukes are losing 10k drones per month to Russkie electronic warfare.



28) This is almost becoming a daily thing. Disney sinks again, this time (pardon the pun), with the “Little Mermaid” toys already discounted.

29) A poll shows, the Tuckster is more popular than Faux News.

30) I hate being right. Now Faux News has issued a transoid-friendly handbook to employees telling them not to bash the transoid thing named Dylan.

31) One of my favorite actors, Ray Stevenson, who played in the second “Punisher” movie and in the “Rome” series, has died at age 58.



32) The safety data on the vaxxes is “nothing less than horrifying.”

33) A leftoid journalist discovers that all the leftist creds in the world couldn’t protect him when he went after the China Virus vax.



34) And finally, it looks like Jeff Bezos and hottie Lauren Sanchez are engaged, and you know what that means: there was either a whopping prenup or the hottie will soon own Amazon after the divorce.



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  • Larry Schweikart
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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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