The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow June 27, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) The Supreme Court, with Justice Alito writing for a 6-3 majority, overturned Roe v. Wade and Casey and sent the abortion issue back to the states.

2) Here are my analyses of both the Alito majority opinion and Chief Justice John Roberts's weaselly concurrence, where he wanted a watered-down middle ground.

Alito’s decision for the majority:

Roberts’s concurrence:

NOTE: From my court guru Zen Master who pretty much predicted all of this, including the 6-3 vote: “Kavanaugh and Barrett definitely aren't [“squishes’]...  If they make a ruling, it isn't because they're afraid of criticism.  Someone attempted to assassinate  Justice Kavanaugh with his family at home. He and ACB have both had protests at their homes.”

3) CNN glumly admits Trump’s lasting legacy will be overturning Roe.

4) Despite what the dissenters said, they are hysterical.

5) And despite what Alito clearly said in the decision, the left insists that the USSC is going to rule on homosexual marriage next.

6) More DemoKKKrats worrying about just how big the red wave will be, especially as Hispanics are now exiting the party...

7) The Rutabaga is back to 32% approval.

8) CNN’s Harry Enten says that so far Republicans are much more engaged for the 2022 elections: Republicans are up 29% in their primaries, DemoKKKrats 3%.

9) Arizona’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who happens to be running for the U.S. Senate, has sued Jann-Michael Greenburg, the former school board president of Scottsdale Unified School District, for “knowingly structuring an agenda and meeting to prohibit public comment.”

10) The Christian Reformed Church has solidified opposition to homosexuality as a confessional belief.

11) The woman who helped bring down Roe is taking the abortion battle to Kollyfornia.

-It is worth noting that a courageous female AG from Mississippi brought the critical case to the Supes.

12) The accelerating purge of conservatives in government under Biteme.

13) A CBS poll shows that inflation (82%), the economy (80%), crime (58%), guns (57% and immigration (45%) all top abortion (42%) as priority issues.

14) Biteme looking into ways to rig the 2022 midterms: won’t work. Doesn’t translate into election day increase.

15) Kollyfornia is planning to punish any medical dissent.



16) Controlling fuel/energy obviously allows globalist regimes to control people.

17) New home sales decline by 5.9%.

18) Even as the Fed’s James Bullard says consumers are “healthy,” real wage growth has declined 3.3%.

19) Airlines say the FAA is causing the delays by understaffing and is “crippling” air traffic along the East coast, warning of new Fourth of July cancellations.

20) An employee of Burger King received a candy goody bag after 27 years of service without missing a shift has raised $130,000 on GoFundMe, which he will use to pay for his grandkids’ college.

-Woke corporations can post goofball rainbows everywhere but can’t reward loyal employees.

21) Sky Cruise has proposed a 20-engine, 5,000 guest nuclear-powered air hotel.

-Yeah, what could go wrong?

22) The average price for new vehicles hits $45,844.

23) New regulations in the Permian basin could deter drilling.



24)  I’m tempted to exclude this category as 99% of the stories in entertainment are hysterical, shrieking, ugly, scrotumpiples whining about abortion. However, there is this:

Eric Monte said Norman Lear is a racist who stole his idea for the “Jeffersons.”

Always good to see goofball liberals accused of being racists.



25) The Uke war has exposed the weakness of western militaries and weaponry.

26) Biteme’s stupid boasts about driving Pootie-poot out, destroying the Russkies’ military, and crushing their economy now looks, well, stupid.

27) Our Russia strategy has backfired. No shoebox, Sherman.

28) And from our “The rest of the world is so peaceful” report, 22 were found dead in a South African nightclub. Course, this is hardly a normal night in Benghazi-by-the-Lake, but still . . . .

29) We knew this was coming: “Ukraine War’s latest victim? The fight against climate change.” I knew they’d blame Pootie-poot for Global Warming.

30) Looks like Prince Charles (UpChuck) took bags stuffed with millions in cash from a Qatari sheikh.

31) France sees nuke energy output plummet at the worst possible moment due to “a flurry [or, if your French, fleury] of unexpected issues.”

32) A bullfighting stadium collapsed in Columbia killing four and injuring 70.

-It is rumored the bull’s name was “Karma.”

33) An insider says that the BBC is still “in thrall of a trans lobby.” Welcome to almost all American movie studios.



34) Swedish data showed that vaxxes caused 3x the number of adverse events and deaths of all other vaxxes and pharmaceuticals combined.

35) Pretty sure many of us said this at the time: “Hysteria is Far more Deadly than Covid.”This is a great review of the histrionic squealing Hoax News media that drove us into lockdowns and vaxxes.

36) More lawyers getting cajones to challenge the vax mandate.

37)Three-vaxxers are the most likely to die from China Virus.

38) Up to 40,000 Army National Guard troops (13% of the force) haven’t received the China Virus vax and could be given the boot on Thursday.

39) Finally, Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend and conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell, did not kill herself. She was placed on suicide watch after she said jail staff threatened her.

-Reportedly the jail staff is actively working to make sure all cameras are not working, and have requested extra doses of Ambien for their shifts.


And That's Today's News...


Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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