Doxxed by Dossier in Scottsdale: Parents Outraged and Terrified

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

A Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) board member allegedly and "unknowingly" made public, files contained in a "digital dossier," exposing parents and other individuals in the community. The Dossier contains, among other things, both public and private documents and information; credit scores, court documents, social media posts, photos, and video of parents who oppose policies set forth by SUSD. AZInformer provided UncoverDC with a Google Drive and a local article on the subject late Tuesday evening.

The partially redacted screenshot below of the Google Drive shows all of the files contained. An .MP4 file named "Bodycam JMG Kitchen" is in the lower-left corner of the screenshot. The .MP4 video file allegedly shows Jann-Michael Greenburg's (President of the school board) father, Michael, wearing a bodycam in his son's kitchen. His son says "Hi Dad" to him as his father talks about issues related to the school district. It also shows the same man talking with parents about a local mother who has actively fought SUSD policies on CRT and masks. Dressed in a motorcycle helmet and bodycam, he calls her "a lunatic" in the video.

SUSD Dossier Files

Reportedly the Google Drive was first unearthed in August when Jann-Michael Greenburg allegedly sent a screenshot of an image from the Drive to resident Kim Stafford in an email. While many of the photos and posts in the files are public information, the Drive also contains some very private information. Included are data on "at least one minor, personal financial documents, including professional certifications and mortgage documents," per Shiry Sapir, who is running for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction.

In light of the recent letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) targeting parents and the ensuing memorandum from Attorney General Merrick Garland, the public airing of information like this could prove to be damaging or even dangerous to the exposed individuals.

The Google Drive file allows anyone with the link to access the contents of the Drive and many of the targeted individuals are terrified. A Peoria Unified School District parent, Heather Rooks, is one of the parents whose information is featured on the Drive. She has led efforts in her district to stop critical race theory (CRT) and masks in the schools.

Speaking with James T. Harris on his Thursday morning radio show, Rooks shared there is a "very creepy, stalker-like" collection of information on the Drive. Allegedly, the father, Michael Greenburg, of a school board member Jann-Michael Greenburg is the owner of the Drive. He and other collaborators have reportedly assembled screenshots and videos from social media pages and also "did background checks" on her, her husband, and other individuals. On Nov. 3, Jann-Michael Greenburg filed to run for Maricopa County College District Board Member (At Large). Rooks stated:

"The creep factor here is really, really strong. The snooping factor here. What sort of information did they collect on you? Yeah, so there [was] a couple [of] screenshots from my Facebook page. There was a video he had of me speaking out of Peoria school board meeting a couple of months ago and then he did background checks on me and my husband. It's expensive— background checks! It's got our family's names listed and their addresses. I mean, that was just shocking to see because we're just moms and dads and I don't know what this man was trying to do with collecting this evidence on parents. It's just very creepy stalker-like. I don't know what this man was planning to do with this information, but it's just totally bizarre with what this man was doing.

This is exactly the type of behavior that they're doing—that they're accusing us of—where moms and dads are asking what is being taught to our children. So I clearly do not understand how parents are being labeled domestic terrorists—but you've got grown men that are videoing themselves scrolling through moms' Facebook pages with their photos of their kids and collecting information on them."

It is no exaggeration that the Drive is a deep-dive into the lives of those it targets. Screenshots show multiple individuals from Scottsdale contributing to the Drive. Some are well-known progressive activists like Paula Sturgeon. She seems to have contributed information on two independently-minded SUSD Board members, Kathy Angelos and Lucy DiGarzia. Some of the Sturgeon files have labels like "SUSD Wackos and Anti-Mask Lunatics."

The folders contain photos and other information about various individuals who apparently disagree with the SUSD school board policies that have mandated masks for students and advocated for CRT in the state's public and private schools. Notably, many files cannot be accessed or downloaded as they have "reached their download limit." The Community Advocacy Network (CAN) filename refers to a private Facebook page for parents who advocate for their children in the district.

SUSD Dossier/Sturgeon, Angelos, Garcia Files

Alarmingly, the file labeled "redacted angry posts" actually contains mental health status notes documented in a court filing on the individual referenced in the file. There are several examples of this type of personal information exposure throughout the Drive. A portion of the mental health status file that protects the individual's information has been provided below.

SUSD Dossier/Court File containing mental health status notes

The Dossier also contains many social media posts mentioning Donald Trump winning, Christian beliefs, and individuals freely discussing a wide variety of subject matter. Some of the exposed posts indicate that individuals in the parent group may have also doxxed Jann-Michael Greenburg's address (not provided below). The posts show a wide range of emotional conversations about important current events and subject matter.

SUSD Dossier/CAN Files

Parent groups from separate districts in the state are beginning to connect with each other to brainstorm and help fight what they see as a loss of personal agency with regard to decisions for their children.

The Dossier story comes on the heels of an earlier UncoverDC article about parents in Arizona's Chandler Unified School District (CUSD)—a district that has allegedly "weaponized CRT." The district was allegedly found "colluding with local police" in the spring to silence dissenting voices in the community.

On Nov. 10, a CUSD parent, Jennifer Alvey, spoke with local talk show host James T. Harris on his morning radio show on Thursday. Allegedly board members sought to "use the procedure of trespassing" to target parents who disagreed with local school board members about wearing masks to the meetings. One parent was, in fact, arrested outside a board meeting.

During the radio spot, Alvey refers to a local blog, written by Peggy McClain of the organization, "Not in our Schools." McClain had requested records from CUSD documenting communication between a local police officer and the CUSD administrator for school safety about "potential disruptors" at the school board meetings. Her Oct. 30 blog entry details her attempts to obtain emails and communications from the school district. McClain said she has struggled to get the school district to comply with her requests for records. One of the emails is pictured below:

Chandler Collusion/McClain

Alvey believes that the emails show heavy bias against anyone who would disagree with the school board's position on masks which were being heavily debated in the spring of 2021. She continued:

"We love and appreciate our local police. This isn't about attacking them, but it is about saying, "hold on, guys," we expect this to be done fairly. We expect this to be done with actual accurate information for all the facets of the issue and if that's not happening, that's a big problem for us."

She also told Harris that a school board member "asked her followers on social media to make sh%& real uncomfortable for parents" who disagree with her. The board member also allegedly told Alvey and other parents that "whenever we parents advocate for our children using politeness that we are engaging in white supremacy." Alvey continued:

"We have all of this stuff being mixed up in here and this makes the whole situation so volatile. I can understand where the school board will be concerned, especially if they're listening to the national news—in their believing what is coming out of the Biden administration about white supremacists taking over and stuff like this. CRT is a huge issue [for parents]." 

"But the real problem here is that they were colluding on how they could use procedures to get parents to comply or get them kicked out."

Amanda Wray, a mother who has strongly advocated for parents' rights to make sensible choices on behalf of their children, is another parent whose information and posts are repeatedly referenced in the Dossier. She said there are photos of her young daughters and information on her property deed in the files. The accompanying text pictured alongside the photo of Wray below found in the Dossier contains derogatory, sarcastic information on her beliefs and references her need "to get her own financial house in order before giving advice to others." She is one of the moderators for the SUSD CAN private Facebook page.

Amanda Wray/SUSD Dossier

SUSD posted the following response to the dossier late Wednesday afternoon saying they have no control over "such activities" and the district continues to provide "world-class learning opportunities" for its student.

Most Arizona public schools are still members of the NSBA and almost all are members of the Arizona School Boards Association (AzSBA), which has even more authority in the state. In fact, the AzSBA recently proposed that the school board president could shut down free speech without a vote from the board. Greenburg asserted he could "shut down speakers for going off agenda."

The AzSBA has been a strong advocate for curricula that favor concepts popular with proponents of CRT and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).


**UncoverDC made an editorial decision not to provide a direct link to the Google Drive or the article referencing it due to the sensitive, personal information contained therein.**

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