The Influence of George Soros on Impeachment

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

By Daniel Bobinski

It’s said that money can’t buy happiness, but if we look around, it’s obvious that money buys influence. Consider the amount of influence held by America’s wealthiest individuals. Among the top ten we find:

  • Jeff Bezos (net worth: between $114 - 131 billion – and the Washington Post)
  • Bill Gates ($106 billion – Microsoft)
  • Mark Zuckerberg (69.6 billion – Facebook)
  • Larry Page (55.5 billion – Alphabet / Google)
  • Sergey Brin (53.5 billion – Alphabet / Google)

But just because you’re not in the top ten doesn’t mean you don’t have an influence on our society. Consider a guy named George Soros. Today, Soros is worth “only” $8.6 billion, but that’s because he’s donated much of his wealth to support candidates and causes that align with his worldview.

You’ve probably heard the Soros name associated with progressive political agendas, and with good reason. According to the Forbes 400, Soros has donated more than $32 billion dollars over the course of his life – nearly 80 percent of his life’s income – to advance progressive causes.

Tentacles Reaching into Impeachment?

Just how much of an impact is George Soros and his progressive worldview creating? Having spent $32 billion over the years, it’s substantial. The Open Society Foundation – the foundation started and funded completely by Soros – provides direct funding for more than 200 organizations in the United States alone. And, there are at least 47 Open Society Foundation offices throughout the world, with activity occurring in more than 120 countries.

But let me ask a trivia question:

Which country has the most Open Society Foundation offices?

If your answer is the United States, you’re wrong. We have only three.

The answer is Ukraine, with five – more than any other country.

What does Soros have going on in Ukraine? Interestingly, US Department of State documents uploaded to show George Soros, in 2016, meeting with then-Ukrainian President Margvelashvili and also then-Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. The documents, which originate from Soros’ Open Society Foundation, also have an interesting name appearing in the “CC” of the email: Eric Ciaramella. Now where have we heard that name before?

News about Ukrainian-Soros ties are not new. In a 60-Minute segment that aired 20 years ago, investigative journalist Steve Kroft said, “When we went with [Soros] to the Ukraine, he was treated like a visiting head of state, and was received by the President. Then he was received by the Prime Minister, and finally the Central Bank. They even allowed him to look at the books and asked him for advice.”

Correlation does not equal causation, but I find it interesting that shows corruption in the Ukraine on a steady increase over the past 20 years.

Soros also has supported many left-wing politicians in the United States. Maybe – just maybe – this explains why so many Congressional representatives scurried quickly to start impeachment proceedings when President Trump started investigating what’s going on in Ukraine. Many of them owe their political careers to George Soros’ money, so if Soros said “jump,” you can bet they were asking, “How high?”

Soros’ Ties to US Politicians and Movements

If you’re wondering just how tight Nancy Pelosi is tied to Soros, you don’t have to look very far. According to Fox News, in November of 2017, Nancy Pelosi and George Soros shared a stage raising money from liberal donors in California for “shaping political and policy transformation in America.” The conference was titled, “Beyond #Resistance: Reclaiming our Progressive Future.”

The event, held at the La Costa Resort just north of San Diego, was hosted by Democracy Alliance, a rather high-brow club of well-to-do Left-wing movers and shakers. Other people involved with the conference included the noted Marxist, Van Jones, then-president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, and David Brock, founder of Media Matters. It should be noted that Media Matters – which openly states it seeks to monitor only conservative news – is funded by both Democracy Alliance and George Soros.

In addition to including #Resistance in the name of their conference, the Democracy Alliance website shows these wealthy folks are staying up on the resistance movements in the county. As we see on their website:

Over the past year, the [Democracy Alliance] also turned its attention to track the evolution of “resistance” organizations, many of them new, working on the front lines to defend democratic values, institutions, and norms from the current Administration’s assaults and transform an organic grassroots movement into an electoral force.

In March of 2018, the Washington Times reported that both Nancy Pelosi AND George Soros were funneling money into PACs to try to unseat Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA). A month earlier, Representative Nunes authored the now-famous “Nunes Memo,” which exposed FBI overreach in its surveillance of Americans, most notably people associated with then-candidate Trump’s Presidential campaign.

The timing of Pelosi’s and Soros’ effort just a month after the release of the Nunes Memo should have received more attention in the press, but hey, they’re in Soros’ camp, so, “Nothing to see here.”

Other Politicians Getting Soros Money

If you wonder why some people are so anti-Trump, it may help to look at who is receiving money from Soros.

Chuck Schumer? Richard Blumenthal? Keith Ellison? Kamala Harris? Yes to all.

But also on the list you’ll find Republican names like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich. Their ties to Soros may explain a lot about their anti-Trump stance.

Soros Wants Trump Gone

I’ve watched multiple hours of Soros being interviewed, and he consistently says he wants Trump out of the White House. To accomplish this, Soros took $18 billion dollars of his personal wealth and put it in his Open Society Foundation. From there, he’s funneled money to hundreds of Democratic organizations and Super PACs, trying to flip Senate seats, House seats, and even District Attorney and County Attorney seats. He knows that if he has politicians – AND people whose job it is to interpret and enforce the laws – beholden to him, he can get what he wants.

In the 2018 election, Soros poured a lot of his money into Senate races, knowing the Senate would have the final say after the House voted to impeach Trump – which I personally believe Soros planned all along. Thankfully, not all his efforts at flipping Senate seats succeeded, but that hasn't stopped his minions from moving forward with their attempt to impeach Trump.

That said, know that Soros is unrelenting. Don’t think for a moment he will lay back for the 2020 elections. Soros is now 89 years old, and Trump is standing in the way of Soros getting what he wants.

By the way, to reinforce his plans, Soros also has his son, Alexander, actively involved in “the family business.” His face isn’t as well-known as his father’s, but Alex is being groomed and he’s making the rounds. Perhaps you’ve seen the picture of Nancy Pelosi with a young man, who many say is Eric Ciaramella, the CIA “expert” on Ukraine. The man in the photo with Nancy Pelosi is not Eric Ciaramella; it’s Alexander Soros.

Through his vast wealth and the use of shell organizations, George Soros is actively altering the fabric of our country. After all, money buys influence. And when it comes to influencing Washington DC, I personally think when this impeachment farce is all said and done, you’re going to see George Soros’ tentacles all over it.

I also think you’re going to see the Soros name in other news, but that’s a topic for a different column.


Read Part II here

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Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is a certified behavioral analyst, best-selling author, columnist, corporate trainer, and a popular keynote speaker. In addition to working with teams and individuals to help them achieve workplace excellence through improving their emotional intelligence and improving the way they do training, he’s also a veteran and a Christian Libertarian who believes in the principles of free market capitalism while standing firmly against crony capitalism. Daniel writes on both workplace issues and political issues for multiple publications. In his ideal world, he'd be a speechwriter for President Trump. Reach Daniel for help with your workplace through his website, For things political, use @newbookofdaniel on Twitter.


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